Miss Vallehermoso 2015


A packed auditorium witnessed the Miss Vallehermoso 2015 pageant. After the usual delay, the prayers, the national anthem and greetings finally the main attraction entered the stage. We used that “warm-up” time to sneak backstage to catch some of the contestants as well as some VIPs and other more or less important people.

No beauty pageant without festival costume. The search for Miss Vallehermoso 2015 made no difference. They were colorful and well presented by the aspiring beauty queens. As were the black bikinis, the most anticipated round of the contest.

Before the candidates for Miss Vallehermoso presented their evening outfit to the spectators they also showed their talents. Once again need to be said that in the age of multimedia the talents might be in a different field than stage-performances. There was little reaction of the audience. It is just a rumor that most felt asleep. The candidates certainly caught up with a lively and gracious comeback during their appearance in gowns.

Congratulations Miss Vallehermoso 2015

Miss Vallehermoso 2015

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