Frequently Asked Questions

About the Duties of a Barangay Office

Barangay FAQs - Frequently Asked Question - Duties of a Barangay

When you are completely new to the term “barangay”, one could say it sounds like a place or a flower or even a local term for a sickness. Actually, a barangay is the smallest administrative division in the Philippines. It is somewhat equivalent to the term village in other countries. During the pre-Hispanic time, barangays were also called as barrios.

What are the duties of a Barangay Office?

A Barangay Office is in charge of many things that happens with its borders. They are in charge of implementing the different tasks of mayor that the city or municipality wants to accomplish. The barangay Office is the servant leader that leads a village or barangay and serves for the cause of the municipality or city.

It is usually composed of a Barangay Captain or the Punong Barangay (head of the barangay) and the barangay kagawads (Barangay Councils). Each municipality must have a health center, a chapel and an evacuation center or a court. It is also responsible for giving our Barangay Clearance, a type of document that is considered as a valid ID or document. The clearance can be used for applying for a bank account and registering for a business among many others.

Here are the Frequently Asked Questions about the Duties of a Barangay:

The Certificate of Residency is a document certifying your stay in a barangay. You can apply and obtain a barangay certification from a barangay where you have been living for six (6) months or more.

A Barangay Clearance is one of the requirements before a mayor issues a permit or license to build a business in a barangay. This clearance is available from the village (barangay) where the business will be built or processed.

The requirements for obtaining this certification or document are stated in your Citizen’s Charter of your barangay.

As chairman of the Peacemaker Board, the Punong Barangay or Barangay Captain should be the first to hear your complaint. If Barangay Captain does not show up, he will then form a Team of Recipients which includes three (3) members from the Board, who will then handle the complaints.

It is not in the law of barangay justice that only three hearing shall be conducted by the Peacemaker Board. It is stated that the Barangay Captain must be reconciled within 15 days of the complaint from the day the two parties first meet and 15 days in the Setup Order and may be extended for another 15 days in the opinion if The Group is hopeful or even willing to agree on the two sides.

The Certification to File Action (CFA) or evidence that can file a court action or the relevant government office, is a document confirming that no settlement occurred in the barangay. It is available in the barangay if Barangay Captain and the team fail to reconcile the two parties. Submitting this evidence to the court for filing an appropriate case.

Barangay officials and workers can work in private companies. But if they are not honest in their uphold duties, they will be filed an administrative case at the council city or town according to section 61 (C) of the local government code.

Barangay captains are allowed to work in a company, however, according to the supreme court, the barangay captain who wants to work in private company or practice his or her profession must first ask for prior written permission from the secretary of Department of the Interior and Local Government.

You may report to your mayor who has the power to enforce the laws of the municipality or also to file an administrative case in your reference city or town by section 61 (C) of the local government code. The investigation will be made by your vice mayor. But if the matter is related to finance or graft and corruption, you can file a criminal case in the ombudsman.

Yes. The Barangay, as a local government unit, has the power to close or open, temporary or permanent, a passage, road, kalyehon, park, or square (local road, alley, park, square) in its cover in accordance with the forwarded ordinance Which has been approved by 2/3 of all members of the reference barangay.

Watch a Video of the Barangay FAQs below:

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8 replies
  1. Jose Panugan Rebacca
    Jose Panugan Rebacca says:

    Sir/Madam: I have a close friend Barangay Councilor in Basak, Lapu-lapu City, on his term as a public elected official at the same time working as a Plant Manager in Freshcuts Agri-Cebu Corporation, located in Upper Soton, Pangdan, Naga City. Cebu.
    He is working every day on this company except Sunday, which is a non-working calendar.
    He is right to do this kind of practice? what about his government elected duty? He was graduated of Mechanical engineering and formerly working at GMC company
    His name is Mr. Ronnie Yagong-a Graduate of mechanical engineering from reputable university in Cebu City.

    • Rosario - DC-Team
      Rosario - DC-Team says:

      Hello, if he is a close friend, as you state, just ask him yourself about his duties as Barangay official.

      We don´t know about Cebu, In Dumaguete, a Barangay Councilor is not a full time job, and all of them are working, if they have work.

    • Rosario - DC-Team
      Rosario - DC-Team says:

      we don´t know your specific issue, but in general:
      Yes, a barangay captain can issue certificate to file action, even if There has been no personal confrontation between the parties before the Punong Barangay, for example if the respondent was absent and that mediation failed;


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