Miss Silliman 2015

Miss Silliman 2015

The Miss Silliman 2015 Coronation Night was held on August 24, 2015 in the Lamberto Macias Sports and Cultural complex. A full packed house witnessed 12 enthusiastic contestants from different colleges. It was a night each and everyone in the house will remember for a long time. Like on each event of this “magnitude” many VIPs and VUPs were present, only outnumbered by a plethora of organizers and assistants and people with papers in the hand, running from front to back and from left to right without any function, but trying to appear important. How does the old saying go? Too many cooks spoil the soup. Anyway, following some pictures of judges, organizers and other involved persons.

The show started after the invocation and the national anthem with the production number. We used the chance of the delayed start to sneak in backstage to get wome pictures also there.

Miss Silliman 2015

Miss Silliman 2015 – Birds of the Philippines

Instead of a bikini round – which is of course not politically correct- the contestants came onto the stage in colorful costumes, designed following the colors of the Birds of the Philippines. Some of the designs were really breathtakingly beautiful, but see yourself.

Miss Silliman 2015 Candidates in Evening Gowns

Miss Silliman 2015

Finally the contestants for Miss Silliman 2015 changed into their evening gowns. Color of the evening was somewhere between pink, violet and magenta. All twelve candidates presented them gracefully and mastered their interview with more or less bravura. After another intermission or two it was time before all kind of awards were given and the finalists announced. That was the moment where the whole event went “tits-up”.

Somebody changed the rules and it was obvious, that nobody really knew how many finalists would be given the final question, five, or six, or maybe eight but with new question as fiveandahalf already answered the question which is heard by the two new which… Don’t worry, nobody understood what was happening and/or announced. It was total chaos to a level that traffic on EDSA at rush-hour appears perfectly organized compared to those 45 minutes in the Macias Sports & Cultural complex. Therefore just enjoy the pictures of the lovely contestants of Miss Silliman 2015 in their gowns.

Congratulations Miss Silliman 2015

Miss Silliman 2015

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