Buglasan Festival 2015 – Behind the Scenes

Each year the whole province of Negros Oriental gets feverish when the Buglasan Festival is about to start. Of course there is no difference this year. With the grand opening of Buglasan 2015 only 36 hours away, the countdown is ticking down fast.

Miss Valencia 2015

The Miss Valencia 2015 beauty pageant took place during the municipalities annually fiesta activities in the municipal gym. Actually it was split into three different events: The Presentation, the Talent Night and the Coronation Night.

Miss Bais 2015

The Miss Bais 2015 event was held open air on the big stage of the Bais Plaza.
Miss Bais 2015 was an open pageant. Therefore contestants came from all over the province as well as from Cebu and Siquijor.

Mister Bais 2015

Mister Bais 2015 was the most awaited pageant for Baisanon and for the young generation of Bais City as well as the visitors that night of course.

Miss Silliman 2015

The Miss Silliman 2015 Coronation Night was held on August 24, 2015 in the Lamberto Macias Sports and Cultural complex. A full packed house witnessed 12 enthusiastic contestants from different colleges competing for the title on an evening many won’t forgett

Miss Silliman 2015 – Pre-Pageant

The Miss Silliman 2015 – Pre-Pageant was held on Thursday evening at the Luce Auditorium. Despite the Eath Day Event taking place at the same time at the boulevard, the auditorium was packed with cheerful supporters.

Sinulog sa Tanjay 2015

Sinulog Sa Tanjay

The Sinulog sa Tanjay 2015 Street Dancing and Showdown was the highlight of the celebrations. 12 participants showed their interpretation of Tanjays history in colorful costumes.

Miss Tanjay 2015

Friday evening is perfect for a big event, especially when the next day is the big Fiesta and everybody is in a great mood and ready to party. Thousands of Tanjayanons were in a packed Osmeña Park to watch the coronation night of Miss Tanjay 2015.

Wayboga Festival 2015 in Amlan

Overall the Wayboga Festival 2015 in Amlan was a successful day of celebrating the 6th Anniversary of the smoke-free municipality. We met fantastic people and gathered a lot of information which we will publish soon on our Amlan section of Dumaguete.com

Miss Tayasan 2015

The Miss Tayasan 2015 Pageant was  a big success. People were all exited  and couldn’t wait any longer. The cheering and screaming was overwhelmeing when finally the house-lights went off and the stage-lights start to heat up the podium.Miss Tayasan 2015

People backstage were still busy and preparing and putting last touches on the candidates, while the organizers were welcoming the guest and judges from neighboring cities and municipalities.

The admision for Miss Tayasan 2015 pageant was free and the gym was packed with noisy crowd which cheered their heart out for their favorite candidates entering the scene for the first time in their ethnic attire .

The swim swear round was kept very short. One of the reasons might be that the design of the slighty weird white plastic-wraps reminded more on grand-granny style from 1950, another might be that they were not really fitting well and the underwear was shining through.

The round for giving the minor awards and appreciation was thankfully also not that long, and the pageant came to the last stage of the event.

The final round presented the candidates in gowns. The contestants presented elegant Filipiñana dresses very gracefully and as the final decision who will bring the crown home moved closer, the excitement of supporters was hitting the peak.

Witnessing many events of this kind we must say that the crowd at Miss Tayasan 2015 was probably the loudest this year and never get tired cheering. Compliment to all organizers and people behind this events for a successful beauty pageant.

Miss Tayasan 2015

Congratulations Miss Tayasan 2015