Miss Valencia 2015

The Miss Valencia 2015 beauty pageant took place during the municipalities annually fiesta activities in the municipal gym. Actually it was split into three different events: The Presentation, the Talent Night and the Coronation Night.

Miss Valencia 2015

Miss Valencia Presentation of Candidates

The Presentation started over an hour late due to some delays of the night procession and other events during daytime. When the presentation finally started, the  municipal gym of Valencia was packed with excited, cheering spectators. Here some pictures of the presentation night.

Miss Valencia 2015 Presentation Night

We skipped the talent night of Miss Valencia 2015. We have seen all “dances”, “drama-plays”, and heard all “inspirational speeches”. Our Audiologists just bought a brand new car from the money we spend on treating our tortured eardrums we were suffering after all the “talents” we witnessed during all the beauty pageants over the years.
DC-Tip for future candidates: Don’t believe if the karaoke machine tells you “You are a perfect singer”

Miss Valencia 2015 – Coronation Night

Once again the gym was packed to see who will win the title of Miss Valencia 2015. The event organizers did a fantastic job in having every prepared in time and all participants ready to start in time. An occurrence which is very unusual and which need to be mentioned – Very well done!
Following some of the judges, VIPs and others more or less involved in the event.

The show started, like most coronation nights with the production number. Due to some sound issues we could not really understand what the theme was, However, the 10 candidates presented themselves in colorful costumes for the first time this evening on stage.

Miss Valencia 2015 - Production Number

Political correctness is probably the reason why the bikini round was replaced with something which may or rather may not was supposed to look like sexy outfit. Surely, the candidates did their best to present this strange design as good as possible.

Miss Valencia

White was the choice of the event organizers for the evening gowns. The contestants of Miss Valencia 2015 were presenting them gracefully. We would not want to make a decision as all of them looked gorgeous. But of course that’s why there is a board of competent judges, who can make the correct decisions.

Miss Valencia

Congratulations Miss Valencia 2015

Miss Valencia 2015

2 replies
  1. Makee ferrer
    Makee ferrer says:

    You should not have missed out our talent night instead..your concept of talent night mentioned above will totally change. 🙂

    • Rosario - DC-Team
      Rosario - DC-Team says:

      Hello Makee,

      Thanks a lot for your comment.However, and with all respect, to have a talent night, candidates need talent. Sadly over the last 10 years it really changed.

      From having a talent like playing an instrument or painting it is now simply doing what the handler want them to do. As the handler are always the same all over the province, each performance has been seen before (with slight variations). Sadly most were pretty bad, some acceptable and maybe 2 out of 100 really good.

      Maybe our expectation is too high, but we won’t lower our standards just because the talents nowadays stop basically with posting selfies on social websites.

      We also knew some of the candidates from other pageants and are already well aware of their talents.

      Best Regards


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