Miss Tanjay 2015

Miss Tanjay 2015

Friday evening is perfect for a big event, especially when the next day is the big Tanjay City Fiesta and everybody is in a great mood and ready to party. Thousands of Tanjayanons were in a packed Osmeña Park to watch the coronation night of Miss Tanjay 2015.

When we arrived we sneaked backstage and took some snapshots of the nervous Miss Tanjay 2015 candidates. Finally all judges and VIPs were on their seats and after we caught them for a picture, the show was about to start with the invocation, the national anthem, some speeches and finally the production number.

Miss Tanjay 2015 - Production Number

Our bribes and prayers for the almighty creator obviously did some good as there was NO TALENT round at the beauty pageant. Awesome!!! The talent rounds of last few events we attended were so dreadful that the toe-nails of one of our team-members rolled backwards. Congratulations and our big Thank You to the organizers to show some wisdom.

Miss Tanjay 2015 Candidates in Black and White

The most anticipated round was the Bikini Round. Also here the event planner did a great move. Firstly the contestants were not in some painful outfit, but in elegant black and white, secondly the Q&A section was also held in this outfit, much to the liking of all men in the audience.

Last but not least the contestants dressed up in their evening gowns. While the overall color choice was rather questionable, it was also nice that all were wearing basically the same gown with color variation and a few options to have some other modifications.

Miss Tanjay

Miss Tanjay 2015

After a small brownout the Top 5 candidates were elected and came back on stage for the last round, which decided who will get the title.

Congratulations Miss Tanjay 2015

Miss Tanjay 2015

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