Wayboga Festival 2015 in Amlan

Wayboga Festival Amlan

The DC Team went to Amlan where the 6th Anniversary of the smoke free municipality was held. The Wayboga Festival 2015 started with a civic parade early in the morning at 6:30. Due to some awesome pancakes at our Resort we almost missed that part. However, we were not late for lunch where Honorable Mayor Bentham P. De La Cruz welcomed not only the LGU staff, but also Vice Governor Doc Mike Macias and a delegation from Bacolod.

Wayboga Festival 2015- Street Dancing

Wayboga Festival Amlan

The street dancing took place around the streets of the municipality center. With the judging in front of the municipality hall. The four contingents of different Amlan High Schools were judged in front of the Municipal Hall of Amlan before they could cool down their feet from walking in socks on the hot cemented streets for an hour or so.

No celebration without a kind of beauty contest. The evening was a double event consisting of the Show Down and the Wayboga Princess Contest 2015.

We do admit that the Wayboga Princess contest was a kind of weird. It looked more like overambitious mothers, school advisers and teacher forced school kids in a kind of weird costume and make them memorize some quotes where the kids themselves wouldn’t know the real meaning of the words they used. Therefore stuttering through them in a rather uninspiring way. However, they all deserved an award for their braveness to do what they were forced into as good as they probably could, but the evening would have been more entertaining without that questionable Miss Wayboga contest.

Overall the Wayboga Festival 2015 in Amlan was a successful day of celebrating the 6th Anniversary of the smoke-free municipality. We met fantastic people and gathered a lot of information which we will publish soon on our Amlan section of Dumaguete.com. Our heartfelt  “Thank You” goes to our hosts, the whole municipality and especially to  Rolim Atanacio Malapit who showed us not only the main spots but also guided us through the hinterland to explore some of the natural beauty of Amlan.

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