Miss Silliman 2014 - Coronation Night

Miss Silliman 2014 – Coronation Night

Last night was the Miss Silliman 2014 Coronation night at the Lamberto Macias Sports Complex. While the event was not sold out, and some seats remained empty, it was still a good crowed, which supported their favourites in a frenetic way with cheers, lights, banners and all kind of “noise-makers”. After the last judge finally arrived and was introduced the show started with the presentation of the stunning candidates who ran for the crown of Miss Silliman 2014.

Miss Silliman 2014 – Presentation of the Candidates

Miss Silliman 2014

At this point a quick thank you to all organizers, artists, announcers and sponsors. Without them an event like the Miss Silliman Coronation Night would not be possible. Some of them are in the next little gallery:

For the sake of political correctness, the swim-wear round is almost not existing at beauty pageants in Dumaguete. No difference here. The contestants had to choose a Zodiac Sign and presented themselves in a kind of costueme according their choice.

Miss Silliman Candidates as Zodiac Signs

Miss Silliman 2014

After another more or rather less thrilling intermission number, the candidates finally presented themselves in their stunning evening gowns.

Miss Silliman 2014 – Evening Gown

Miss Silliman 2014



Congratulations Miss Silliman 2014 – Sophia Diago


2 replies
    • Rosario
      Rosario says:

      Hi Jared,
      thanks for your comment. To be honest, it was a kind of boring, like “What are the typical characteristics of a Silliman Woman” and the answers sounded pre-written and memorized of all 5 finalists.
      Bottom-line, the winner and first runner-up were decided before the final round. They basically shared almost all minor awards between them and it was just a question who is more favoured by the judges. The final question was more a “it has to be done on a pageant” thingy without influencing the decision.

      Inside our team the votes were also split between the 2 and both of them deserved to win


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