Wayboga Festival 2017

The Wayboga Festival 2017 was yet again successful and merry. Despite the weather conditions, it was still a great show. Click here to see the gallery.

Miss Budyas 2017

Miss Budyas 2017 marks the restoration of the nearly-forgotten festival of Budyas in Amlan. Click here to know more and see the galleries.

Miss Tayasan 2017

During the Miss Tayasan 2017 beauty pageant 8 candidates showed their grace, beauty and brain to the judges and thousands od spectators. Gere some pictures.

Tayasan Festival 2017

The Tayasan Festival 2017 was a colorful event under blue skies with the sun smiling down on everybody. Check our galleries of ths colorful event.

Miss Siaton 2017

Miss Siaton 2017 was a great event where each barangay sent their candidate to compete for the crown. Pictures of the lovely ladies here in our gallery.

Kanglambat Festival 2017

Kanglambat in Vallehermoso 2017was a huge success. fine here some of our picture in our gallery.

Miss Kanglambat 2017

Nine lovely candidates who battle their way to the title as Miss Kanglambat 2017. See the galleries here to see who proudly claimed the honors.

Miss La Libertad 2017

7 stunning candidates were in the race for Miss La Libertad 2017. See here in our galleries who made the race and was crowned as the new queen

Miss Sta. Catalina 2017

Miss Sta. Catalina 2017 pageant was held the night before the Pakol Festival.10 stunning candidates competed for the crown. Here our pictures of the contest

Pakol Festival 2017

The Pakol Festival 2017.in Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental is one of the highlights of the Festival year in Negros Oriental. Check our galleries here.