Tag Archive for: Miss Mabinay

Miss Mabinay 2023

The search for Miss Mabinay 2023 was participated by eight lovely candidates. The selection and coronation night were held late January 2023.

Video of Miss Mabinay 2020

Did you miss the Coronation Night of the Miss Mabinay 2020 last January 23? Read more and watch the video here!

Miss Mabinay 2020

The search for Miss Mabinay 2020 was participated by 7 lovely candidates. Who do you think will it be? Read more here and see pictures & video!!!

Miss Mabinay 2018

One highlight includes the search for Miss Mabinay 2018. The coronation night was held last January 22 2018 at the covered court of Mabinay, where in nine lovely candidates battle their way to the crown and title. Read more and see gallery here!

Miss Mabinay 2016

The search for Miss Mabinay 2016 was held one day before the Langub Festival. Nine lovely candidates were competing for the title in front of a full house.

The Miss Mabinay 2015

Miss Mabinay 2015

Following the invitation of Mabinay’s Tourism Officer Gary Caseres we went to the Cave Capital of the Philippines for the annual fiesta. The Miss Mabinay 2015 pageant was the event on the day of our arrival. Nine contestants were competing for the title at the municipality stage. The doors of the venue opened at 7:00pm, however, it was past 10:00pm when the event finally started with the prayers, national anthem and the production round.

Miss Mabinay 2015 Production Number

Production - Miss Mabinay 2015

After the production number the candidates had a lot of time to change as all judges, sponsors, VIPs, VUPs, and “God-knows-who-else” needed to be introduced as well as some short speech and the contest rules were read of the script. Anyway here some pictures of the VIPs, guests of honor and intermission numbers.

intermission at Miss Mabinay 2015

Miss Mabinay 2015 in Swim Wear

Other than in political correct Dumaguete, the Miss Mabinay 2015 pageant was not afraid to have the lovely candidates wearing bikinis; certainly the most famous round of any beauty pageant in the world… at least with 50% of the world’s population.

Miss Mabinay - Bikini

Talent Round at Miss Mabinay 2015

The talent round followed almost immediately after some minor technical issues with the usual dancing, singing and interpretative acting.

Miss Mabinay

Last, but most anticipated round showed the nine competing candidates for Miss Mabinay 2015 in their evening gowns. “White” was the theme at Miss Mabinay’s beauty pageant.

Miss Mabinay 2015

Harlene Mae LubricorHarlene Mae Abenita Lubrico

Mabinay Fiesta 2015

Mabinay Fiesta 2015

The annual fiesta in Mabinay will be like always celebrated in honor of Sr Santo Niño. The Mabinay Fiesta 2015 has the theme:” GO for Progress thru Mabinayanihan” and will be held on January 24 & 25, 2015. The go in the theme stands also for “Greener & Organized”

The activities start already on January 20 with the Government Employee’s Night at 8:00pm at the Municipality Covered Court. Highlights of this years Fiesta in Mabinay are of course the “Miss Mabinay 2015” beauty pageant and the Langub Festival with Street Dancing and Showdown on January 24.

Mabinay Langub Festival

So if you have no other plans, why not getting on a bus and visiting the municipality to attend the Mabinay Fiesta 2015.

Mabinay Fiesta Schedule

Tuesday January 20, 2015
Government Employee’s Night – 8:00pm at Mun. Covered Court

Wednesday January 21, 2015
3G Grand Finals – 8:00pm at Mun. Covered Court DISCO

Thursday January 22, 2015
Miss Mabinay 2015 Selection and Coronation Night – 7:00pm at Mun. Covered Court

Friday Jaunary 23, 2015
CIVIC Parade 7:00am , Livelihood Congress and Agro – Fair – 9:00am , MEV Cultural Show 7:00pm DISCO

Saturday January 24, 2015
Mayor’s Cup (Shooting Competition) Level 2 – 8:00am at A- Hits Firing Range
Langub Festival 2015 – 1:00pm Street Dance/ Showdown, DISCO

Sunday  January 25, 2015
High Mass ( Santo Niño Parish Church) 9:00am, Mabinay Motocross at Barangay Tadlong 8:00am, DISCO

Happy Fiesta 2015 Mabinay