Miss Mabinay 2023

Langub Festival Queen – Negros Oriental

Miss Mabinay 2023 - Langub Festival Queen

The search for Miss Mabinay 2023 was participated by eight lovely candidates. The selection and coronation night were held late January 2023. In order to win the title and crown, the ladies had to compete in the different categories (production, swimwear, talent, evening gown, and Q&A). This was made in celebration of the Mabinay Fiesta and Langub Festival 2023. Who do you think will be the Langub Festival Queen or the Miss Mabinay 2023?

Miss Mabinay 2023 – Coronation Night

The program started with of course the respective prayer, singing of the National Anthem and then the Mabinay hymn. After that, the candidates walked on stage for the production number. This year, the stunning candidates entered the stage for the first time in the outfit of a Greek goddess, or better eight of them. This great outfit was a hint, what we all were about to witness in the next few hours during the coronation night to find the Langub Queen 2023.

The production-number ended with a fast transition into swimwear under the ecstatic roaring of a thrilled audience. None of them need to hide in the well-known caves. With their swimwear, they are certainly an eye-catcher at each beach anywhere in the world, but see for yourselves!

Aside from beauty and figure, the candidates had to showcase their talents as well. Some showcased their talent in singing, others through dancing, some in both and some in something, which has to be determined what it actually was.. (Check out the video below to see the talent portion!)

A short intermission was made to give the ladies time to slip in their evening gowns. The wonderfully designed gowns made them look young, attractive and elegant. The question and answered followed the evening gown round. Then the candidates were serenaded.

From eight candidates, the judges picked the top three. From the top three…the new Miss Mabinay 2023 and Langub Queen was electede. Congratulations!!! Special thanks to Mabinay Mayor Ernie Uy for always welcoming us. Until next year. Go! Mabinay Go!

Watch the Miss Mabinay 2023 Video here:

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