Miss Bindoy 2015


A fully packed municipality gym in Bindoy was the location of the Miss Bindoy 2015 beauty pageant. The event was split into the talent night and the coronation night. Eight stunning candidates were well prepared to show not only their beauty, but also their talent and capability to speak a memorized line or two into a microphone.

The Talent Night of Miss Bindoy was held on the evening of the municipality fiesta with a lot of political prominence present to celebrate the annual fiesta in Bindoy. In good tradition we start with a gallery of VIPs and helping hands as well as sponsors. Without them an event like that would not be possible.

After all introductions of present people and reading of the contest rules it was time for the candidates to present themselves the first time on stage during the production round.

Miss Bindoy

Next was the talent round. In all honesty, while each candidate certainly practiced hard, some appeared to be forced by their handlers to a certain performance instead of showing what talent they actually may have. Then again, maybe clicking “like” and “share“, as well as “speed-texting” might not count as a talent at a beauty contest.

Miss Bindoy 2015 Coronation Night

The Miss Bindoy Coronation Night started on the spot (in Filipino time) with prayer and national anthem before the candidates presented themselves in their interpretation of the theme.

Miss Bindoy 2015 Coronation Night

Stunning costume designs presented by gorgeous candidates forced the crowd to cheer their hearts out. Each of the designer of this costumes and of course all candidates deserved this reaction. They were some of the best themed costumes we’ve seen this year!

Miss Bindoy - Swimmwear

The swim wear round was kept rather short, which was fine with most, as the design would not win an award in the 21st century and color reminded most probably on great-grandmothers closet. But we guess a sexy bikini would just not be politically correct.

Finally the candidates switched to their evening gowns, which was after the festival costumes the second highlight of the Miss Bindoy 2015 Coronation Night.

Miss Bindoy 2015

Congratulations Miss Bindoy 2015

Miss Bindoy 2015

Libod Sayaw Festival 2015 in Bindoy

The whole municipality of Bindoy as well as many guests from the neighboring municipalities and whole Negros Oriental were on their feet to celebrate the annual Libod Sayaw Festival and Fiesta in Bindoy.

Canlaon Pasayaw Festival 2015

The Pasayaw Festival 2015 in Canlaon City took place on March 19. Six contingents from different schools in Canlaon participated as well as three contingents from neighboring municipalities of Guihulngan, La Libertad and Tayasan. Here some images of the Pasayaw Festival 2015 street dancing and showdown.

Miss Canlaon 2015

12 candidates from the different barangays of Canlaon City joined the Miss Canlaon 2015 beauty pageant. The Sports and Cultural Center was packed with thousands of spectators cheering for their favorite candidates.

Kapaw Festival 2015 – Street Dance

The Kapaw Festival 2015 in Basay was a full success. The municipality of Basay was on its feet and a fully packed gym cheered for all four contestants participating in the showdown. When the street dance competition started the streets of the town were one big party.

Kapaw Festival Basay

Street Dancing at Kapaw Festival 2015

Basay Street Dance Competition – Kapaw Festival

Basay - Negros Oriental

Basay - Street Dance

Kapaw Festival 2015

Miss Basay 2015

Miss Basay 2015 Talent Night

A cheerful, fully packed Municipal Gym in Basay witnessed the search for Miss Basay 2015. Like almost with most beauty-contests the event was split into two evenings, the Talent and the coronation night.  March 15 was the talent night where the 10 candidates showed their talents in different stage performances. Like common during this events, a lot of more or less well known people needed to be introduced on both nights and it took a while until the lovely candidates entered the stage. Therefore our first gallery is also about the more or less important people and others involved in the event.

Miss Basay 2015 – Talent Night

Miss Basay 2015 - Talent Night

 Miss Basay 2015 – Coronation Night

After the Talent night the candidates had a rest day to prepare for the coronation night of Miss Basay 2015 beauty pageant. Everybody who witnessed the first part of the pageant was aware, that this will be a tough decision for the judges.

Miss Basay 2015 - Coronation Night

In the first round the contestants presented themselves in stunning festival costumes, which certainly didn’t make the decision easier for the judges.

The swim-wear round was kept rather short, which was probably to the liking of the protective fathers and jealous boyfriends of the candidates for Miss Basay 2015, but certainly a bit a disappointment for most men in the audience.

Miss Basay - Swim Wear


Miss Basay 2015 - Evening Gown


Congratulations Miss Basay 2015

Miss Basay 2015

Tawo Tawo Festival 2015 – Showdown

Tawo-Tawo Festival 2015

Mr. Eli G. Manlangit

Mr. Eli G. Manlangit – Chairman, Tawo-Tawo Festival

28th Tawo-Tawo Festival

The Tawo Tawo Festival 2015 in Bayawan City marked its 28th of its kind. The festival is certainly one of the most famous celebrations of whole Negros Island. What need to be mentioned in a very positive way is the organization. Mr. Eli G. Malangit runs a tight, well thought through, and intelligent office.

Therefore it is not surprising that the showdown as well as  the street-dancing started in time. An event starting in real-world time is in the Philippines as rare as an ice-block in the Sahara.

Mr. Malangit told the Dumaguete.com team: “I can not let the children sitting and waiting in the heat for some VIPs and officials to arrive. We start in time !“.

Tawo-Tawo Festival Bayawan

Tawo-Tawo Festival Showdown

The Tawo-Tawo 2015 Showdown started at 10:00 am. At that point most participants were already up and practicing since hours. The sun was already burning and if anybody needed a quick breakfast, it would have been no problem to boil an egg on the cemented grounds. The opening speeches were kept pleasantly brief and the first group got ready. Nine contingents were participating. Five in the Gagmay/Junior Tawo-Tawo category, four in the Dagko/Senior Tawo-Tawo category. Following some pictures (not sorted by contingents).

Bayawan Tawo Tawo Festival


Tawo-Tawo Bayawan 2015

and here the last few pictures:


Tawo-Tawo Festival - Bayawan City

Miss Bayawan 2015

Miss Bayawan

The Miss Bayawan 2015 beauty pageant was held on the IBC grounds (Integrated Business Center). It was split into two events, the talent night and the coronation night. The Miss Bayawan Talent Night was held on February 15th in front of a patiently waiting crowd. The Coronation Night took place the following evening. When the talent night finally started, the eight candidates entered the stage in what the organizer called “play-dress”.
Miss Bayawan 2015 Talent Night

Miss Bayawan Talent Night

After -what appeared never ending- speeches, introductions and intermissions it was time for the Miss Bayawan 2015 candidates to show their talent. With all respect to the effort the candidates put into their performance, it appeared that they rather do something their handler want, but not something they are talented in. Our office goldfish shows more talent when playing piano than what we witnessed on the IBC stage. Maybe nowadays talents are limited to speed-texting and clicking “Like” on social networks, both not suitable for a big stage. Anyway, here some pictures:

An event like this can’t be held without many hand working together. Following some of them:

Miss Bayawan 2015 – Coronation Night

Miss Bayawan 2015 Coronation Night was clearly on a much higher level compared to the happenings just 24 hours earlier at the Talent Night. To get the audience at the packed IBC grounds into the right mood the eight candidates presented themselves in stunning Tawo-Tawo costumes.

Miss Bayawan 2015 Coronation Night

Miss Bayawan Swimsuit & Business attire

The business attire round as well as the candidates in swimsuits were next to be on stage.

Miss Bayawan

Miss Bayawan 2015 – Evening Gown

Not “50 Shades of Grey”, but any variation of blue was the color for the gowns the candidates presented themselves on the stage in front of an enthusiastic crowd. Make your own pick who would be your winner of the titla.

Miss Bayawan

Congratulations to Miss Bayawan 2015

Miss Bayawan 2015 - Justine Rose Cabanban

Miss Bayawan 2015 – Justine Rose Cabanban


SPUD’s Paulimpiad 2015

St. Pauls University was celebrating its Founders Day 2015. Below the official Press Release for the week-long event.

St. Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) known as the Premier Paulinian Educational Institution in the Philippines and the only Catholic University in Negros Oriental will once again paint green and gold the City of Gentle People next week as SPUD hold its University Intramurals labeled as Paulimpiad 2015 anchored on the theme “Alive and Ablaze: Inspire a Paulinian Generation from January 27 until 30, 2015.

A torch parade will signal the start of the entire celebration followed by an Olympic-inspired opening program, various sports – related activities are also scheduled to ignite the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie among the participating teams.

The Organizing Committee, the Paulinian Student Government under the auspices of the University Student Affairs Office supported by the SPUD Administration has also slated numerous creative – nightly events such as the Night of Music (Solo, Trio and A Capella), Night of Dance (Pop Dance, Folk Dance and Moving Squad), Campus Ambassador & Ambassadress Selection and the Student’s Night plus the Awarding Ceremony & Closing Program.

Giving interest to this year’s Paulimpiad would be the general participation of various colleges & departments, and the presence of invited Celebrity Judges & Guests, Culture and the Arts Experts as well as Tourism Industry Practitioners from Manila, Cebu, Bacolod and Dumaguete.


Paulimpiad Ambassador & Ambassadress 2015

There is of course no Founders Day Celebrations celebration without a beauty contest. We dropped by last Thursday evening to make a few pictures. Find below some shots of the search for Paulimpiad Ambassador & Ambassadress 2015 in loose order. First the production round:

Next some pictures of the talent and sports attire round, mixed with some judges and emcees

Last but not least all Paulimpiad Ambassador & Ambassadress 2015 in their evening attire:

Langub Festival 2015 in Mabinay

The Langub Festival in Mabinay highlights the celebrations of the town fiesta. The word Langub originates from the local phrase for “cave”. Mabinay is well known as the cave capital of the Philippines with estimated 400 caves. 45 have been explored and seven are open to the public to visit. Thousands of spectators were lining the streets of Mabinay to watch the street dancing competition of the Langub Festival 2015. Eight competitors were showing their dances to the cheerful visitors and the watchful judges.

Langub Festival - Street Dancing

Many political “heavyweights” followed the invitation of Mabinay Mayor Ernie Uy to join the festival and enjoy the Showdown held at the Market. We spotted Negros Occidental Governor Alfredo Marañon Jr, Negros Oriental Rep. George Arnaiz, Dumaguete City Mayor Manuel Sagarbarria, Sibulan Mayor Maning Diputado and many councilors from different towns and cities of Negros Oriental.

Mabinay - Langub Festival 2015

Langub Festival 2015 Clusters & Judges

Langub Festival in Mabinay

Langub Festival 2015 – Official Results

Street dance
1st Cluster#6 – Tribu Paabba
2nd Cluster#4 –Tribu Ati-a
3rd Cluster#1 – Tribu Dhagpas