Yamog Festival 2018

Pamplona – Negros Oriental


The Yamog Festival of Pamplona, Negros Oriental was recently introduced to the public in the year 2017 during the celebration of the Buglasan Festival of Negros Oriental. However, this year’s Yamog Festival 2018 of Pamplona marks as the first ever DC coverage of the actual festival in the municipality. With the leadership of Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo and the unity of 16 barangay captains, the festivities of Pamplona materialized into one successful event!

History Yamog Festival in Pamplona

The term “yamog” is a Visayan word that means dew. The whole town of Pamplona relies on farming and agriculture since it is far from the sea for fishing. In the olden days, the farms would be dry during the day. However, the natural phenomenon of dew is what made the agricultural economy of Pamplona what it is today.

Aside from vegetables, sugar canes and fruits, Pamplona harvests an abundant amount of coffee beans thanks to the dew. Since coffee beans don’t need much care and water, they grow instantly and abundantly all over Pamplona.

Yamog Festival 2018

The Street Dancing and Showdown of the Yamog Festival 2018 took place last October 06, 2018. There were only four participating group performers for this year’s  Yamog Festival. The weather wasn’t the bluest and clearest however, the DC-Team are just glad that it didn’t rain.

With four dancing groups, the event actually went pretty fast. The beating of the drums filled the air and the colorful costumes of the dancers caught the eyes of the people. What more could you want?

Happy Yamog Festival 2018!

Ariba Pamplona!

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