Proposal for Another Congressional District in Negros Oriental
The congressman of the second district is positive about his proposal of adding another congressional district in Negros Oriental. Click here to read more.
The congressman of the second district is positive about his proposal of adding another congressional district in Negros Oriental. Click here to read more.
The Dengue Cases in Negros Oriental has risen since last year and it is expected to continuously rise during this rainy season. Read more.
Two new police sub-stations have been recently built up in Dumaguete City. This is said to effectively improve the response time of police personnel. Read more.
There are at least twelve fake investment companies in Negros Oriental. The National Police are doing their best to crackdown these frauds. Read more!
The 12th ASEAN School Games 2020 will be held in Dumaguete City with various sports such as athletics, swimming, badminton, speak takraw & more. Read more.
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