Miss Amlan 2015

Miss Amlan 2015 - Beauty Contest

The Sandurot Festival in Dumaguete wasn’t even finished when we happily followed the invitation to visit the municipality of Amlan again. Just a few days after we were there for the soft-opening of the Amlan Nature and Adventure Park we visited the municipality again for their annual fiesta and the Miss Amlan 2015 beauty pageant. Miss Amlan 2015 was held at the covert court of the municipality and it appeared that almost everybody living there came to witness the search for the new queen. Many former and reigning beauty-queens and other VIPs graced the event with their presence. Here some of the images of VIPs and VUPs. Also included some pictures we did backstage.

Miss Amlan 2015 – Production Number

Miss Amlan 2015 - Production Round

After the Miss Amlan beauty pageant finally started, the audience went crazy. It was the by far loudest event since a long long time. Invocation, national anthem and presentation of the judges was followed by the Production number, where the eight candidates presented themselves for the first time this evening to the cheering audience at the covered court.

The organizers must be mind-readers as they did not torture the audience and especially the DC Team with a dreadful talent round, which is just at each beauty contest a huge failure due to the lacking stage-suitable talents of the facebook generation

Miss Amlan 2015 – Fashion Round

Instead of that we all were presented with a high paced fashion show where the candidates changed into 3 different outfits and showed their modelling skills. Very entertaining for everybody. Our biggest compliment to the organizers. May that be an example for the upcoming contests.

Miss Amlan 2015 Swim Suite

Next was the Swim Suit round. And once again, Amlan did great. The eight candidates were wearing Bikinis, which is nowadays considered politically not correct. Well, screw the political correctness, the eight candidates showed clearly why a Bikini Round is a MUST at a beauty contest. All eight contestants showed that they can be sexy with elegance.

Miss Amlan 2015 - Swim Suite

Miss Amlan 2015 – Evening Gowns

Last but not least the evening gowns. The contest had no color theme, which is actually another aspect we appreciated. Therefore, the lovely ladies did present themselves in nice colors of their choice.

Miss Amlan 2015 - Evening Gown

Despite the rather small stage and the limited space we highly enjoyed the Miss Amlan 2015 beauty pageant immense. All intermissions were kept short and the candidates were the absolute center of activity. Some of the last events were stretched with long breaks and unneeded nonsense performances of people who should not be on stage. Miss Amlan 2015 was all one want to see at a beauty pageant. Organizers and Candidates did an outstanding job!

Congratulations Miss Amlan 2015

Miss Amlan 2015

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