Governor of Negros Oriental Roel Degamo Assassinated


Saturday morning at around 9:36, Governor Roel Degamo was assassinated at his residence in Pamplona, Negros Oriental. A group, disguised as military entered his property and opened fire. Nine people including Governor Degamo were killed others wounded.

Watch the video to learn more:

Governor Degamo was entertaining Guests at the entrance of his residence in Pamplona, Negros Oriental, when suddenly a group of persons wearing pixelized uniform and in full battle gear shot the Governor several times hitting the latter and some civilians. The victims were immediately rushed to the nearest hospital. Despite being rushed to the hospital, Degamo was pronounced dead at 11:41 a.m.

The Police Regional Office confirmed that the three suspected getaway vehicles involved in the killing of the Governor were found abandoned in Bayawan City, hours later. According to the Police Regional Office, around 10 suspects were seen fleeing from the scene and were being pursued by the joint security forces.

Moreover, the Police Regional Office said that a Regional Special Investigation Task Group is now conducting a focused, thorough, and swift investigation relative to the shooting of the Governor and nine other victims. Reports from Investigation-On-Case indicate that six suspects, wearing pixelized uniforms with long firearms, perpetuated the shooting and immediately fled on board two SUVs.

In the afternoon of March 4, three suspected killers, including the two former military men, were arrested in hot pursuit operations in Bayawan City.
Shortly thereafter, a netizen reported that a fourth suspect in the killing of Governor Degamo has been spotted carrying a long rifle in the Bayawan Area.

The DC Team express their deepest sympathy and condolences to the bereaved wife, Mayor Janice, the rest of his family, and all who were close to him.

#NegrosOrintal #RoelDegamo #StopTheKillings

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