Coronavirus – Quarantine for All Foreigners from Hongkong & China

February 01, 2020 – by DaisyB posted on Dumaguete.Info

The first case of the Novel Coronavirus has reached the Philippines and Dumaguete City. Provincial Governor Roel Degamo signed an executive order mandating a 14 days quarantine for all foreigners coming from the countries of China & Hong Kong. Included in the ordinance is the DTI monitoring of face mask and other products, to avoid overpricing and hoarding.

14 Days Quarantine for All Foreigners from Hongkong & China

The first case of the Novel Coronavirus has reached the Philippines and Dumaguete City. Provincial Governor Roel Degamo signed an executive order mandating a 14 days quarantine for all foreigners coming from the countries of China & Hong Kong. Included in the ordinance is the DTI monitoring of face mask and other products, to avoid overpricing and hoarding.

All foreigners coming from China and Hong Kong are now instructed to take the fourteen (14) days quarantine following the confirmed case of the first 2019 Novel Coronavirus in Negros Oriental. The Executive Order No. 4, Series of 2020 was signed by Governor Roel R. Degamo yesterday, January 31, 2020. Face mask are now also the most bought product in pharmacies, drugstores and department stores.

2019 Novel Coronavirus – Quick Summary

The Novel Coronavirus is a member of the coronavirus family that has never been encountered before. Just like any coronaviruses, it as to come from animals. New and troubling viruses usually originate in animal hosts. Ebola and flu are other examples. The said Novel Coronavirus has spread mostly in Wuhan, China. Many of those infected either worked or frequently shopped in the Huanan seafood wholesale market in the center of the Chinese city, which also sold live and newly slaughtered animals.

Signs and symptoms of the virus are common colds, coughs, breathing difficulties, and when severe can cause organ failure. Since the Novel Coronavirus leads to pneumonia, antibiotics are no use.

14 Days Quarantine for Foreigners

The first case of the Coronavirus was confirmed last January 30, 2020. The individual traveled from Hongkong, then to the Cebu and finally in Dumaguete City. The individual then stayed at a hotel and in a resort in Dumaguete & in the province before going to Manila. Upon arriving in Manila, the individual was examined and was confirmed Coronavirus positive.

For health reasons, the Governor of Negros Oriental signed the Executive Order making a mandatory 14 days quarantine for all foreigners from Hong Kong & China in accordance with the rules and protocols established by the Department of Health (DOH). The Governor created the HOSPITAL INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM to be headed by Dr. Liland B. Estacion, the Assistant Provincial Health Officer to ensure the safety of all responders, address all concerns, and coordinate with the Department of Health and other government agencies for inter-agency cooperation. Official statements regarding the incident shall be addressed through the Provincial Information Officer (PIO Mr. Bimbo G. Miraflor for dissemination.

Face Masks in Dumaguete City – Safety First

Since the confirmed first case of the Novel Coronavirus, majority of the public has worn disposable masks, face mask & handkerchief. Pharmacies, drugstores and even department stores are receiving a high demand for these products. Also stated under the E.O. No. 4, Series of 2020, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Provincial Office inspect and monitor all outlets of protective mask to determine whether said establishments are hoarding and overpricing the same and taking advantage of the situation.

The Novel Coronavirus is a serious situation especially in Wuhan China. The transmission of the virus can be from one person to another. Here are some advices from the World Health Organization to prevent the virus from spreading:

  • Clean hands as frequently as possible with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water;
  • Cover mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue when coughing and sneezing – throw the tissue away immediately and wash hands;
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever and cough;
  • If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care early and share previous travel history with your health care provider;
  • When visiting live markets in areas currently experiencing cases of novel coronavirus, avoid direct unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces in contact with animals;
  • The consumption of raw or undercooked animal products should be avoided. Raw meat, milk or animal organs should be handled with care, to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked foods, as per good food safety practices.

article source:

Watch the Novel Coronavirus FAQ video here:

Frequnently Asked Questions
(2019 Novel Coronavirus)

What is the Novel Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the coughs, common colds to more severe diseases. The virus consists of a genetic material surrounded by envelopes with protein spikes. The spikes give the virus the appearance of a crown. The word crown in Latin is corona, hence, the Coronavirus.

Over the years, there has been different kinds of coronavirus cases such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) back in the year 2003 and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in the year 2012. Now, the new Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) has emerged. It all started when several cases of pneumonia were reported from China back in December 2019. There are still a lot of factor that have not yet been discovered about this virus, however, further studies are being conducted.

What are the Symptoms and Signs of 2019 nCoV?

The symptoms of the virus can range from mild to severe. Mild signs include fever, coughing, colds and shortness of breath. In more severe cases the virus can cause pneumonia, kidney failure, organ failure and death.

Where does the 2019 Novel Coronavirus come from?

Like most coronaviruses, the 2019 nCoV is transmitted from animals to humans and humans to humans. 70-80% of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are known to be of zoonotic origin. The SARS-CoV back in the year 2002 was mainly transmitted in China through civet cats. While the MERS-CoV were transmitted in Saudi Arabia mostly though dromedary camels. Therefore, people in close contacts with animals (live animal market workers) and health care workers (family members and hospital staff) are more at risk to get infected.

How to Protect Myself from Infection?

The basic hygiene should always be followed to avoid the risk of infection. Always wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub. Cover your mouth and nose with a medical mask, tissue, sleeves or flexed elbow when coughing & sneezing. Avoid contact as much as possible to anyone who is infected with the virus. Cook your food thoroughly (especially meat). When visiting live markets, avoid direct unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces in contact with animals. Face masks and gloves are recommended in areas that may carry a higher risk of infection such as hospitals and big crowds.

How to wear a face mask properly?

There are many types of masks for different types of occasion. A surgical mask is one of the best ways to increase the spread of infection and prevent from getting infected. There is only one correctly way to wear it. The blue side is liquid repellent to keep fluids from leaking through into your nasal cavity. It is worn on the outside. If it’s a standard 3 ply mask both outer and inner layers do not filter any bacteria. The filtration is done in the center layer of the mask. The white side is designed to absorb exhaled fluids that would otherwise collect on the mask and decrease its effectiveness and to increase comfort.

What to do when you think you are infected?

If you think you are showing any symptoms of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, you can take a test called PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). The test will identify the virus based on its genetic fingerprint. There are no treatment nor vaccines available at the moment. However, studies are ongoing to hopefully create a cure for the said virus. For more information, check the official World Health Organization website.

If you are showing any signs of symptoms, minimize contact with family and friends to avoid cross infection, and seek immediate medical attention and help.


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