Miss Mabinay 2017

Miss Mabinay 2017

The coronation night of Miss Mabinay 2017 was like each year one of the many high-lights during the annual Festival celebration. We followed once again the invitation of Gharie C. Caseres, tourism head of the municipality and of course Mabinay Municipality Mayor Uy. Both of them took again outstanding care of us and made sure we got all we needed.

Miss Mabinay 2017 - Spring

Miss Mabinay 2017 was held the evening before the Langub Festival in a packed gym. One part we admire each year is the stage at this beauty contest. While others use huge electronic screens, Mabinay puts a lot of love into the decoration. No difference this year.

Each round had a different stage set-up according to the theme, which was “The four seasons of the year”. We first thought the four seasons are sunny-, wet-, typhoon-, and christmas season, but we were wrong and saw the stage and the outfit of the nine candidates for the title of Miss Mabinay 2017 changing from spring all the way to winter. Indeed, a very nice concept.

After the colorful springtime and the introduction of the judges as well as the reading of the contest rules the contestants came back in an autumn outfit for their second appearance on stage. They made it very clear, that brown does not need to be a boring color if the right persons are wearing it.

The talent round was like most of their kind, where the candidates usually follow their handler’s advice and what they think could impress the judges. So the usual singing, dancing, drama, and acting took place. Of course, there would be no beauty pageant without many helping hands in front and behind the stage. Some of them in the next small gallery.

The audience finally came to life during summer time. There is only one appropriate outfit, and that is a sexy bikini. No doubt, all nine contestants looked stunning in their beach outfit, but see yourself.

Winter was the season for the Miss Mabinay 2017 candidates to present themselves to the audience in their evening gown. The light green-blue gowns and the icy blue winter stage design made a beautiful scenery. Add to that the stunning candidates and the graceful, lovely smiles and one has a perfect mix for the last round.

Congratulations Miss Mabinay 2017

Miss Mabinay 2017
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