Wayboga Festival 2016

Amlan Way Boga Festival 2016

The Wayboga Festival 2016 of Municipality of Amlan was held for the 5th time. The festivities are held to celebrate the smoke-free community. Amlan declared itself a smoke-free community seven years ago as one of the first in Negros Oriental. During this years celebration four schools showcased their dances to thousands of spectators along the streets of the town of Amlan. The showdown was held in the evening at the municipality gym. Following some images in unsorted order.

The assembly for the street dancing was around 2:00pm starting at 3:00pm. The sun was burning down when the groups started their performances through the streets. with all respect to all organizers and choreographers, having on group dancing in thin black socks on streets where one could fire easily an egg on should just not happen.

Thanks to Miss Keana, the Choreographer of Tribe Silagan, for giving us the copy of their Wayboga Festival 2016 jingle that we used for our slide-show on YouTube. Also huge special thanks, too to all parents of Wayboga Dancers for supporting their kids to be part of this festival and also to all Wayboga Festival dancers for their effort, willingness, and full support for the event.

Congratulations to all of you guys!

Special thanks to Miss Aileen the manager of Escosas Beach Resort of Amlan for sponsoring our accommodating.

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