Tag Archive for: Buglasan 2014

King & Queen - Buglasan 2014

Buglasan 2014 – King & Queen Competition

The King & Queen Competition of Buglasan 2014 was in our humble opinion the absolute highlight of the activities on the stage at Freedom Park. Eight gracious candidates were competing for the Queen title together with eight gentlemen who were in the contest for this years Buglasan King. The contest happened after a whole day of strenuous activities, starting with the showdown early morning, followed by the street dance parade.

Buglasan 2014 - King & Queen

Buglasan 2014 – King & Queen Candidates

King & Queen – Presentation

The presentation of the candidates was supported by their dancers. This made the presentation a fast paced and very entertaining part of the show.


Buglasan 2014 – King & Queen – Evening Attire

Buglasan 2014 - King and Queen



Jimalalud - Hambabalud Festival

Buglasan 2014 – Showdown and Street Dance

The Buglasan 2014 – Showdown and Street Dance was traditionally held on Friday. This day was also a special regional holiday. As it could be expected, the Macias Sports Complex and the streets of Dumaguete were packed and it appeared that whole Negros Oriental came to its capital to enjoy the festival of festivals. After all judges, politicians, celebrities and beauty-queens were present, the show finally could start.

Buglasan 2014 Showdown

Eight participants were competing in different categories. The ninth performer was Sta. Catalina with the famous Pakol Festival. They did not participate, as their little monkeys always got the heart of the audience and the judges and basically won all Buglasan competitions over the last years. For this achievement, they got rewarded with the “Golden Slam” and a nice big trophy. It need to be said that Sibulans Yag Yag festival would be a serious competitor for the dance-troop from Sta Catalina and it would be a close call who gets the title at Buglasan 2014 – Showdown and Street Dance.

Following some pictures we took at the Buglasan 2014 – Showdown and Street Dance 

 1 – Bayawan Tawo Tawo Festival

1 - Bayawan Tawo Tawo Festival

 2 – Sibulan Yag-Yag Festival

2 - Sibulan Yag-Yag Festival


4 – Jimalalud – Hambabalud Festival

Jimalalud - Hambabalud Festival

5 – Dumaguete – Sandurot Festival

Dumaguete - Sandurot Festival


6 – San Jose – Ayuquitan Festival

San Jose - Ayuquitan Festival


7 – Bais -Hudyaka Festival

7 - Bais -Hudyaka Festival


8 – Tanjay – Bod Bod Festival

Tanjay - Bod Bod Festival

9 – Sta. Catalina – Pakol Festival


Trophy for Grand Slam Winner Sta. Catalina - Pakol Festival

Trophy for Grand Slam Winner Sta. Catalina – Pakol Festival

Folkdance Competition - Buglasan 2014

Buglasan 2014 – Folkdance Competition

The Buglasan 2014 Folkdance Competition was a colorful event held last night on the Ninoy Aquino Freedom Park Stage. Even the weather was on the side of the organizers. The few clouds which caused some rain an hour before the even started were blown away and the groups could perform their Spanish influenced dances as planned.

Folkdance Competition - Buglasan 2014

Backstage at Buglasan 2014 – Folkdance Competition

Folkdance Competition - Buglasan 2014


The competition started only with a slight delay. The few empty places in front of the stage were filled quickly and the folkdance groups in their colorful costumes were ready to enter the stage.

Folkdance Competition – Buglasan 2014

Folkdance Competition - Buglasan 2014

The Ballroom Dancing Competition


results falk dance & ballrom



Battle Of the Bands - Buglasan 2014

Buglasan 2014 – Live Band Competition

15 bands from all over Negros Oriental joined this years Live Band Competition at Buglasan 2014. Each band performed 7-10 minutes. Most of them where well prepared and rocked the stage in Freedom Park.  Our winner was clearly the band from Pamplona. Just the guitarist and the bass player alone probably doubled the average age of the whole Live Band competition, and their experience clearly showed the young generation how a few guys can fill up a big stage.

But as it always is, our favorite never wins. However, there was a lot of talent on the stage and all winners in the different categories also deserved their spot.

Backstage at the Live Band Competition

Battle of the Band – Buglasan 2014

Results of the Buglasan 2014 – Live Band Competition

result live band competition

Official Result provided by Negros Oriental Government

Despite the great entertaining evening and great success, some critic might be allowed. Some Bands had not even their instrument tuned proper, others had their hand on the microphone head and singing more into the hand than into the technical device, and some had a stage appearance like going for a stroll to the mall, standing around with back-pack on just looking at each other, the last thing missing was that they start texting.

Rap and Hip Hop Dance Competition at Freedom Park Buglasan

The host of the Rap and Hip Hop Dance Competition at Freedom Park Buglasan was a great one. He didn’t waste so much time to start the show. Right after the prayer and national anthem the show started with the screaming audience..

The audience was so exited and  couldn’t be controlled not to go near the stage, but the host that night was polite  asking the people to keep off the stage.Hip-Hop dancer in dumaguete

Flying Hip Hop Dancers

Dumaguete Buglasan host

Buglasan Rap Competition


awarding for hip hop and rap competition at Buglasan

awarding for hip hop and rap competition at Buglasan

The Result Rap and Hip Hop Dance Competition

Rap and Hip Hop Dance Competition

©Negros Oriental Tourism


Rondalla Dumaguete Buglasan

Rondalla Competition – Buglasan 2014

Buglasan 2014 – Rondalla, Balak, Balitaw, pride and culture of Negros Oriental

Sidlakan Dance Company Concert and the Rondalla-, Kumparsa-, and Balak, Balitaw Competitions were a blast. It is great to see the Facebook generation honoring our tradition and performing. We had so much fun there and all performers did a wonderful job. Everybody who just waits for the Beauty competitions and Street-dance parades is missing out on the traditional heart and soul of the Buglasan festival.

Rondalla Dumaguete Buglasan

Sidlakan Dance Company

The evening started off at 7:00pm with a 1 hour show of the Sidlakan Dance Company. Different Groups from Junior to seniors performed their traditional and modern dances and entertained the audience perfectly.


Kumparsa & Rondalla Competition