Rambones Festival 2022

Valencia – Negros Oriental

Rambones Festival 2022 in Valencia

The Rambones Festival 2022 of Valencia is finally back! This unique festival was first and last celebrated back in 2016 as a school event by San Pedro Academy. The term Rambones is derived from two fruits…rambutan and lansones. These are two of the most popular fruits in the municipality of Valencia. The DC-Team headed to Valencia and watched the brief street parade. Around ten o’clock in the morning, the program started.

Rambones Festival 2022 – King and Queen

Since the festival is still making a comeback, they did not have a street dancing or showdown competition. However, they did have a grand Festival King and Queen competition which was participated by the different school grade levels of San Pedro Academy. The king and queen candidates danced at the school’s covered gymnasium. Portraying both beauty and culture, the Rambones gave a satisfying festivity to the town of Valencia.

The story of the Rambones Festival revolves around the competing enemies of the Tribu Rambutan and the Tribu Lansones. How love unites them after a dramatic event, and how it cost the lives of the Prince and the Princess of the opposing tribes. Read more about Rambones Festival here!

Check out the Rambones Festival 2022 Video here:

Aside from the rambutan and lansones festival, Valencia also celebrates the Puhag Festival. This other festival revolves around honey and bees. Read more about the Puhag Festival here.

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