Proposed Mall Voting in Dumaguete canceled

Dumaguete - Mall voting canceled

Earlier this year, the proposal of conducting mall voting was escalated mainly because it is more accessible and would simplify voting procedures for senior citizens and people with disabilities. Precinct Nos. 105A, 105B, 106A, 106B, 107A, 107B, and 108B at the Dumaguete City High School in Calindagan should have been transferred to Robinson Place in the same Barangay.

However, the Commission on Higher Elections (COMELEC) in Negros Oriental has voted on disregarding the proposed mall voting primarily because there are subjects on legality that are still left unanswered. Furthermore, Acting Provincial Election Supervisor, Lionel Marco Castillano considered it to be a good idea and said that it could be adopted in the next election.

VCM delivery postponed

Due to the lack of space in Comelec’s office, the stationing of the vote counting machines (VCMs) for Dumaguete City has been postponed to May 6, 2015, in which they will also be conducting the last run-through of the units before the election proper.

Castillano ensured that he will be hands-on in overseeing the simultaneous distribution of the VCMs to the 19 towns and 5 cities of Negros Oriental, excluding Dumaguete City.

Ballots arrived in Dumaguete

On the side note, Negros Oriental’s official ballots have already arrived in Dumaguete last Monday evening via St. Michael – The Archangel ferry from Manila. The official ballots are now safely stored at a 2Go warehouse in Dumaguete City. Castilliano said that they have already conducted an inventory last Tuesday.

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