Pakol Festival 2017

Sta. Catalina – Negros Oriental

Pakol Festival 2017 - Sta Catalina - Negros Oriental

After a long night at the Coronation Night we had a good rest to be in time for the highlight of this year’s fiesta celebrations in Sta. Catalina, the Pakol Festival 2017. The sun was out with full force and to boil an egg on the street-surface should not have been a big problem.

Pakol Festival 2017 - Sta. Catalina – Negros Oriental

The heat didn’t stop the 8 contingents to put on their best street-dancing smiles to entertain the crowd from all over Negros Oriental, who made their way to this lovely municipality in the south of Negros Oriental.

Pakol is the name of the local Banana which come along with the little pygmy monkeys who love them. And we love those little monkeys as they play a big and very entertaining role during the annual Pakol Festival. It is simply amazing where the dancers get the energy from for the long performance during the parade and the following showdown.

We have been to Sta. Catalina for the festivities since a few years now, but it is a safe bet to say that the Pakol Festival 2017 had more spectators during the parade and the showdown than ever before.

This may have motivated all eight contingents to gather some extra-energy and give some stunning performances for everybody watching the showdown from the festival grounds, or standing on cars, or even climbing into the trees.

We want to thank the tourism officer and all involved organizers for being once again great hosts to us! We had a blast at the Pakol Festival 2017 and will make sure that we will come again for next year’s celebrations.

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