Miss Dumaguete 2016

Miss Dumaguete 2016 Trophy

Miss Dumaguete 2016 was for many the highlight of this years Sandurot Festival celebrations. For the DC-Team it was the best Miss Dumaguete event since many years and a clear and huge step forward. The reason for that lays in the organization. The committee in charge obviously respects the valuable time of anybody attending and all events started exactly at the time they were announced.

This may have taken some by surprise and even some VIPs (we recognized a few of them always come late and think the whole audience just waits for them, so their face is seen) had to make their entry in the dark after the show started. The last few years a delay of 2 hours at the coronation night was the norm, which is basically an insult for everybody being in time.

We just can hope that this very good organization by the Dumaguete Tourism Office and the organization committee is taken as an example for future events!

Miss Dumaguete 2016 Talent Night

Miss Dumaguete 2016 – Talent Night

When it was time to show their talent – or what their handler thought may score points with the judges- the 10 contestants showed the usual performances like a bit dancing and singing, some dramatic shouting, one even played an instrument. While they did certainly the best within their limits, it need to be questioned if a “Talent” contest in the digital age of 2016, where most simply don’t have any stage-worthy talents like playing an instrument, juggling or skilled dancing, still makes sense.

Miss Dumaguete 2016 – Coronation Night

Another positive decision was to move the Miss Dumaguete 2016 Coronation Night to the Macias Sports Complex. There is just more space for the “normal” people to watch the show. And we truly believe that this kind of contests are for the people, and not the VIPs-only in the more limited convention center.

The timely start took probably most by surprise. When the lights went out at point 8pm, there were still many empty seats in the sports complex. However, towards 9pm the seats were very well filled with Dumagueteños and the enthusiasm and cheering was significantly more than at the events the last years in the convention center

Miss Dumaguete 2016 – Production Number

When the show started the ten candidates entered the stage in stunning Sandurot Festival costumes. For our taste, the candidates could have stayed a bit longer on the stage. The Festival costumes were just so great, that 5 minutes more to admire them would not have hurt.

Miss Dumaguete 2016 – Bikini Round

The bikini round is probably not only the favourite of all men, it is the most awaited presentation of each Miss contest worldwide. Having the lovely ladies not just running quickly across the stage, but also having the Q&A part in this sexy attires helps to keep the spirit in the audience high.

Miss Dumaguete 2016 - Bikini Round

With all respect to the 10 candidates, there was one single lady who simply stole the show. The Macias sports complex was shaking in its foundation from the cheers and the applause when

Aida Belloso Segundo – Miss Dumaguete 1951

with 88 years of wisdom, charm and beauty entered the stage. Many in the audience (including the DC-Team) had a tear or two in the eyes.

Miss Dumaguete 1951

Miss Dumaguete 2016 – Evening Gown

Black is beautiful, especially if used in stunning gowns with attractive, gracious ladies wearing them. There are few words to describe, so just see yourself.

After 2,5 hours of a professional and spectacular show with no delays and no stretching of time the judges made their decision to crown the new queen of the city.

Miss Dumaguete 2016 - Samantha Villahermosa

Congratulations Samantha Villahermosa
Miss Dumaguete 2016

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