Langub Festival 2018

Mabinay – Negros Oriental
Street Dancing & Showdown

Langub Festival 2018 in Mabinay has been (so far) the most enjoyed festival that the DC Team have covered for this year. Thanks to the ever-active Mabinay Mayor Ernie “Jango” T. Uy who invited us to join in their festive celebration.

Langub Festival 2018

In the municipality of Mabinay, the Langub Festival plays an important role in both their history and culture. In the Visayan dialect ‘langub’ stands for ‘cave’. Being known as the “Cave Capital of the Philippines”, Mabinay holds an annual celebration with cave inspired events such as the Langub Festival.

Street Dancing – Langub Festival 2018

Both the Langub Festival showdown and street dancing was held last January 24, 2018. For a street dancing competition, one would expect a bright and blue-skied weather and bright smiles. For this year’s Langub Festival celebration, the skies weren’t that blue, however, the great bright smiles and positivity of spirits remained.

This still gave an great overall effect to the fast-paced samba beat in which the performers danced to. The main streets of Mabinay were loaded with spectators who tip-toed through the crowd just to see the different performance of the festival.

Showdown – Langub Festival 2018

The Langub Festival 2018 Showdown, on the other hand, was held at the Langub grounds (near the Mabinay public market). One thing that was a kind of the downside was the time management of the show.

The street dancing started a little late, therefore, the whole schedule was affected including the showdown. . The sun slowly started to set when the first performing group finished their act. But hey, look in the bright side I was just a light switch away for the next event…the DISCO night!!

Despite the time management not falling quite right with the schedule, it was still fiesta and everyone still had fun! Point being, it’s all about the actual merrymaking..right? Warmest thanks to all the Tourism Officers who extended their help for us and to the Mayor for being such a great host to the DC Team. Until next year!

Happy Langub Festival 2018 & Fiesta Mabinay!!!

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