Hudyaka Festival 2016 in Bais

Hudyaka Festival 2016 - Bais City

The Hudyaka Festival 2016 in Bais was celebrated on Wednesday, September 7. Each groups of contingents  assembled around 1pm in bright sunshine. Many of the dancers were taking advantage of the nearby free drinking water station, while others simply were seeking for a spot in the shade until the street dancing competition.

Obviously, the colorful costumes of the Hudyaka Festival 2016 were connected to the nearby Tañon Strait and its aquatic life. Thousands of spectators watched the dancers performing through the streets of Bais. Many were jumping in front of the groups to take a picture of the colorful contingents.

After the street dance was finished all got a short but well deserved break before heading towards the Multi-Purpose Center of Bais where the Showdown of the Hudyaka Festival 2016 took place.

When the boring part with all announcements nobody will ever listen to, neither remember, was finally over and the first contingent started the actual competition, the crowd in the overcrowded multipurpose center went totally nuts. Their excitement made all contingents going above and beyond of anybody’s expectations.

We would want to judge who is the winner, as they all did their best and were well prepared. If there was a real winner, it was the crowd who came to Bais to watch this great and entertaining performances at the Hudyaka Festival 2016 in Bais

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