St Paul University Dumaguete – Founders Day 2014

St Paul University Dumaguete

St Paul University Dumaguete is celebrating from October 25-29, 2014 its 110th Founders Day 2014. Under the theme theme “Alive and Ablaze in God’s Light” the 5-day celebration is filled with events.

SPUD Founders Day Schedule Of Events

Day 1 Saturday October 25, 2014

8:00 am Wreath- Laying with Liturgy and Motorcade at Rizal Boulevard

9:30 am Opening of Booths at Saint Paul University Dumaguete Ball field

10:30 am Opening of showroom at room 116-118,

Invitational Games at Saint Paul University Dumaguete Ball field

2:00pm Alumni Registration at room 116-118

4:30 pm Eucharistic Celebration at Saint Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) Chapel

6:30 pm Alumni Dinner at Mere Maria Hall

7:00 pm Acoustic Night at Saint Paul University Dumaguete Ball field

Day 2 Sunday October 26 2014

7:00 am Mass at Saint Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) Chapel

Mural Painting at 3rd Gate

9:00am Art and Photo Exhibit at Saint Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) Hall ways

Bible Quiz at FDL

9:30 am Invitational Games at Saint Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) Courts

10:00 am Mathematics and Science Quiz at FDL

1:00pm Assembly time for Parade at Rizal Boulevard.

3:00pm Grand Parade and Street Dancing

7:00pm Breaktrough Concert with Singer- Actor Sam Conception at FLCH

Day 3 Monday October 27, 2014

8:00 am Mass at Saint Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) Chapel

9:00 am Medical Mission at Mere Maria Hall

9:30 am Mangrove Planting at Zamboanguita

Pinoy Olympics (Students) at Spud ballfield

2:00 pm Invitational Games at Saint Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) Campus

3:00 pm Choir Contest at FDL

6:00 pm Battle of the Bands & Students Night at FLCH

Day 4 Tuesday October 28, 2014

8:00 am Mass at Saint Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) Chapel

9:30 am Pinoy Olypics (Students) at Saint Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) Ballfield

10:30 am Invitational Games at Saint Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) Ballfield

2:00 pm Debate at FDL

6:00pm Employee’s Night at FLCH

Day 5 Wednesday October 29, 2014

8:00 am Mass at Saint Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) Chapel

9:30 am Mass Demonstration at Saint Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) Ballfield

Closing Program at Saint Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) Ballfield

12:00 noon Salo salo9 at Mere Maria Hall

3:00 pm Talent Explosion at Robinson’s Place

Bureau of Immigration – Alien Registration Project -ARP

Each Foreigner who visited the Bureau of Immigration (BOI) was certainly wondering about the mountains of paperwork the ladies and gentlemen in the office have to go through. Honorable Commissioner Siegfred B. Mison has made it a point to streamline the workflow in the BOI and give all a better structure. The Alien Registration Project (ARP) is one of the new inventions which should help in this process.

Alien Registration Project - ARP

The ARP (in Compliance with Immigration Operation Order no. 2014-043) has the goal to register all foreign nationals living in the Philippines and give everyone a individual Special Security Registration Number (SSRN).

Announcement from the BOI regarding the ARP

All Foreign Nationals are required to present themselves before the bureau of Immigration for biometric capturing and issuance of SPECIAL SECURITY REGISTRATION NUMBER (SSRN)

October 01, 2014 to September 30, 2015

The SSRN is an alpha-numeric number assigned to every forign national who registers under the ARP and shall be used in all transactions with the Bureau.

  1. Download, print and fill-out the application form
  2. Submit the application form in person and present competent proof of identification (passport/travel document or ARCI-card even if expired, or birth certificate at any participating Bureau of Immigration Office .
  3. Have your fingerprint and image capture and encoded in the Bureau of Immigration database.
  4. Pay the necessary fees (does not include postage fees)

SSRN certificate (for undocumented or overstaying) PHP 700.00
ACRI- card (for newly-registered valid status and voluntary registrants ) USD Php 50.00 plus Php 500.00
ACRI-card (for re-issuance) USD Php 20.00

5. Receive your SSRN on the same day. SSRN Certification or ACRI-card shall be sent by mail. (must submit self-addressed envelope with appropriate postage stamp)

Exemption :

  • Those with valid ACRI-card (except tourist ACRI-card)
  • Tourist whose stay has not exceeded 59 days:
  • Those who are exempt from registration pursuant to law.


+632- 465 2400


Frequently asked questions

  1. What do I get from the ARP?

A 90-day deferred administrative action to comply with the requirements to regularize stay; and chance to benefit from any future legislation that may grant a regular status.

  1. What happens if I do not participate in the ARP?

Liable to arrest and deportation if found in violation of immigration laws.

  1. What happen if I do not participate in the ARP within the compliance period?

Penalty of Php 200 per month but not exceeding Php 2,000 per year.

  1. If I am an illegal foreign national, will be deported if I participate in the ARP?

No. Those illegally staying will be advised on the process to comply with immigration laws.

  1. If I participate in the ARP, will I be cleared from any liability?

No. Participation in the ARP is not an amnesty. It will not erase previous violations.


The Alien Registration Project-form is available for download on the website of the BOI ( BI Form 2014-08-019 Rev 0) or can be picked up in the regional BOI office in Dumaguete.

Dumaguete Adventure Marathon 2014

The Dumaguete Adventure Marathon 2014 (DAM) takes place on November 16, 2014. Runners from all over the Philippines and guests from all over the world will come to Dumaguete to join local runner, jogger and walker for this adventurous run through the city of gentle people and its surroundings.

Dumaguete Adventure Marathon

42km long – 1.2 km high – The real DAM

The route of the 42.195 meters of the full distance is more challenging than ever. This year’s Dumaguete Adventure Marathon brings you all the way up to the Filipino-Japanese-American Shrine, roughly 1,200 meters above sea level, so make sure you have some up-hill training to master this challenge of ascends around 40%. The course will also use some unpaved roads, loos gravel and mountain washouts. Good footwear is therefore absolute mandatory.

21km Half Marathon

The Half Marathon also has its challenges. Getting from Robinsons via Batinguel towards the mountain and back is an exciting experience and still requires good training.

Dumaguete Adventure Marathon 2012

Dumaguete Adventure Marathon 2012 – picture source: DAM

10.5 km Quarter Marathon

Also towards Batinguel goes the 10.5 km Quarter Marathon. From Robinsons via Calindagan to the Rizal Boulevard the runners will take a sharp left turn and go straight up all the way to Upper Batinguel before turning around and run downhill back to Robinsons. On their way back they take a different route and pass the BIR towards Bagacay down to South Elementary School and the Highway before they finish the 10.5 km Quarter Marathon.

5 km Finisher’s Run and 3 km Kiddie run

For Kids and Teenagers are the Finisher’s and Kiddie run. The 5km run starts at the Mall, goes along the Boulevard into Silliman Avenue. The turning point is just past Portal West building. The Kiddie run makes a round through Calindagan before going back to The Start-Finish at Robinsons. The Kiddie run is for all children under 13, persons with disabilities and senior citizens with 60 and above.

Assembly for all is at 4:00am, the start at 5:00am

Dumaguete Adventure Marathon 2012 sours: DAM

Dumaguete Adventure Marathon 2012
Picture source: DAM

Register for the Dumaguete Adventure Marathon

If you want to register, please visit the website of the Dumaguete Adventure Marathon to get all information about the run, the fees and the registration procedures.

Get all updates and info about the Dumaguete Adventure Marathon 2014 (DAM 2014) here.

City Health Medical and Dental Mission

Dumaguete City Health Medical and Dental Mission

The City of Dumaguete Thru its Family week steering Committee in Coordination with Philippine National Red Cross Celebrates Family Week with the theme:

Celebrating Filipino Family: Resilient and Caring

The City Health Center of Dumaguete and Dumaguete Red Cross gives free Check-up and Medicine to patient, the dental mission and Blood Letting activity we’re also successfully given to the people of Dumaguete.

According to the city health Doctor Maria Sarah Talla Dumaguete City Health head Officer, they have this mission every year, and schedule during Last Friday of the month of September…

Dumaguete City Health Head Officer Dr Maria Sarah Talla

Dumaguete City Health Head Officer Dr Maria Sarah Talla

Here are some snapshots during the Medical and dental mission at Quezon Park Dumaguete

at the Dental Mission site Dr. Serena Rubio

Medical and Dental Mission Dumaguete Dr Serena Rubio

Medical and Dental Mission Dumaguete Dr Serena Rubio

Buglasan 2014 – Calendar of Events

Buglasan 2014

Finally the Calendar of Events for Buglasan 2014 was released and everybody can plan the events he/she wants to attend. The Festival of Festivals is celebrated form October 17 to 26, 2014.

For all who never have been to a Buglasan celebration because they are not that long, or only for a short holiday in Negros, be aware that the clocks ticking a little bit different when the Festival of Festivals is celebrated in Dumaguete City. If you want to celebrate with Negros Oriental and visit during Buglasan 2014, better hurry up, hotels and guest houses are almost fully booked already.

Calendar of Events Buglasan 2014

Theme: Community Development thru Tourism

Friday – October 17, 2014

05:00pm Buglasan Ecumenical Service at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

05:30pm Buglasan Opening Salvo Production at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

                                   Outstanding Oriental Negrense awards and Testimonial Dinner.

                                   Opening of LGU freedom Fair Booths at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

                                   Final Negros Oriental Tourism Jingle at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

08:00pm Miss Negros Oriental Tourism at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

11:00pm Fireworks display by DSS Fireworks at Capital grounds

11:00pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Saturday – October 18, 2014

01:00pm Assembly time for the Grand City –wide Parade

02:00pm Grand City Wide Civic- Military Parade with Marching Band Competition

05:00pm Opening SNV LGU Heritage Booths at the Sidlakan Negros Village

05:30 pm Duo Tenors Concert  Lead by Almar Pastidio at Capitol Forecourt

6:00 pm  Buglasan Festivaland Lead by AMBAK Production /PTU at Piapi Beach

07:00pm Minus One Singing Competition Senior Division at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

                 Duet Competition Senior Division at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

08:00pm Social Dancing Competition Senior Citizen at the Sidlakan Negros Village

09:00pm ABS CBN Kapamilya Caravan at the Freedom Park Stage

10:00pm Buglasan Festivaland at Piapi Beach

                 SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Buglasan 2014 Schedule of Events


Sunday – October 19, 2014

7:00 pm Sidlakan Dance Company Concert  at Freedom Park

08:00pm Rondalla Competition Junior Division at Freedom Park Stage

               Kumparsa Completion at the Freedom Park Stage

               Balak, Balitaw Competition at The freedom Park Stage

08:00pm Sinato Night at the Sidlakan Negros Village

11:00pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Monday – October 20, 2014

08:00pm Rap Competition at the Freedom Park Stage

                 Hip Hop/Pop Dance Competition at Freedom Park Stage

08:00pm Pasikat (MDC/ NORSU Saint Joseph Canlaon) at the Sidlakan Negros Village

11:00pm SMB Live Band at Freedom Park

Tuesday – October 21, 2014

02:00pm GMA Games at the Freedom Park

04:00pm GMA Kapuso Fiesta at the Freedom Park

08:00pm GMA “ Bet ng Bayan” Regional Finals Featuring Regine Velasquez & Alden Richards

08:00pm Pasikat (Asian College/Diaz Collage/SPUD at Sidlakang Negros Village

11:00pm SMB Live Band at The freedom Park

Wednesday – October 22, 2014

08:00pm Live Band Competition at the Freedom Park Stage

08:00pm Pasikat (Foundation University/Negros College Night/Villaflores) at the Sidlakan Negros Village

11:45pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Buglasan 2014 Calendar of Events

Thursday – October 23, 2014

08:00pm Folk Dance Competition “ Spanish Influenced Dances” at the Freedom Park

10:00pm Ballroom Competition at the Freedom park Stage

08:00pm COSCA/ La Consolacion College Bais/SU) at the Sidlakan Negros VillageS+

11:00pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Friday – October 24, 2014

08:00am Buglasan festival of Festival Showdown at the L. Maciaa Sport & Cultural Center

02:00pm Buglasan Festival of Festivals Street Dance at Dumaguete Street

05:00pm PALKwela Game Show at the Sidkang Negos Village

07:00pm Pasikat at the Sidlakang Negros Village

08:00pm Sidlakan Dance Company at the Sidlakang Negros Village

08:00pm Buglasan Festival King & Queen Pageant at the Freedom Park Stage

11:00pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Calendar of Events Buglasan 2014

Saturday – October 25, 2014

08:00am Lutong Garbo sa Sidlakang Negros at the provincial Agriculture Office. Conference Hall

08:00 am     Underwater Photo Contest

02:00pm       Dog Show lead by City Veterinarian at Sidlakang Negors Village

04:00pm Children’s Choir Competition at the Freedom Park Stage

05:00pm Bulilit Minus-One Competition at the Freedom Park Stage

06:00pm Bulilit Duet Competition at the Freedom Park Stage

                     Pasikat (AMA, Maritime, Maxino, STI,St.Francis Guihulngan) lead by Students Goverment at Sidlakang Negros Village

08:00pm Sadsad Sa Boulevard, Part 1 at the Rizal Boulevard

09:00pm Fireworks Competition Part 1 at the Rizal Boulevard

10:00pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Sunday – October 26, 2014

05:00pm Awarding & Thanksgiving Ceremonies at the Capitol Forecourt

07:00pm Cleanest & Greenest School Awards

                LGU Freedom Fair & SNV Heritage Booth Awards

                Sadsad Sa Boulevard Part 2 at the Rizal Boulevard

                Fireworks Competition Part 2 at the Rizal Boulevard

09:00pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Schedule of Events Buglasan 2014

To have the Festival of Festivals running smoothly are a lot of hands needed. We always want to honor the people behind the scene. Without them any festival anywhere in the world would not taking place. We want to say thank you to all helpers involved and like to share some pictures of the construction work going on at the capitol area while busy hands building the municipality booths

Buglasan 2014 – Preparation

Buglasan 2014 - Booth Construction

Buglasan 2014 – Booth Construction

NORECO II – Power Interruption

A series of power interruptions will hit Dumaguete the next couple of days. The scheduled brownouts of NORECO II will be on the following days:


September 16, 2014 – 8:30 A.M – 5:00 P.M

From crossing Junob & Cantil-e the whole way up to Cantil-e and Bajumpandan road.

September 17, 2014 – 8:30 A.M – 12:00 N.N

SSS Building Bagacay to Mangnao Elementary School

September 17, 2014 – 1:30 P.M – 5:00 P.M.

Bajumpandan Road to Dumaguete City Slaughterhouse

NORECO II will clean the power-lines from overgrows vegetation

September 20, 2014 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M

Amlan, Tanjay & Pamplone

The national Grip Corporation of the Philippines will have scheduled maintenance of the transmission line between Amlan & Guihulungan.

Sunday, September 21, 2014 – 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

All areas in Dumaguete supplied by the Bagacay Substaition are affected by this NORECO II power interruption

In Valencia will be no power in Bong-ao & East Balabag

Bacong will suffer inform no power in Banilad, Sac-sac and SPI

Dauin, Siaton and Zamboanguita will also be without electrical power

NGCP will replace rotten poles and corroded insulators of the 69KV power-line.

Climate Change School Caravan

The Department of Environment & Natural Resources (DENR) and PIA put teamed up to inform the students of 8 High Schools in Dumaguete about the ongoing fight against the climate change. The Climate Change School Caravan will take place from September 23 to October 2 to inform the students about the environmental problems and suggesting how each individual and group can help to have less impact on the environment and how to protect it.

The Climate Change School Caravan is packed with fun and information. Following the schedule of the event:

Sept 23 – Hermenigilda F. Gloria Memorial High School (3:00pm-4:00pm)

Sept 24 – Dumaguete City High School (3:00pm-4:00pm)

Sept 25 – Junob National High School (3:00pm-4:00pm)

Sept 26 – Taclobo High School (3:00pm-4:00pm)

Sept 29 – Camanjac National High School (3:00pm-4:00pm)

Sept 30 – RTPM Science High School (3:00pm-4:00pm)

Oct 1 – Piapi High school (3:00pm-4:00pm)

Oct 2 – Negros Oriental High School (9:00am-10:00am

Dumaguete Airport – Parking Fees

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) announced recently to collect a fee for parking at the airport in Dumaguete.

Dumaguete Airport-news

The letter of the CAAP about the  Dumaguete Airport Parking Fees reads as follows:

Notice to the public

By the authority of the Director General, CAAP shall be charging parking fees effective October 1, 2014 with the following rates:

  1. Vans, Cars, Tricycles and others– Php.10.00 for the first two (2) hours and php 10.00 for succeeding hours or a fraction thereof.
  2. Motorcycles– Php 10.00 for the first two (2) hours and Php 5.00 for the succeeding hours or a fraction of thereof.
  3. Overnight Parking– Php. 300.00 (handwritten: 6P.M. – 6 A.M.)

CAAP Dumaguete Management

More about the Dumaguete Airport in Sibulan

Negros Oriental High School Founders Day 2014

Late August is the time to celebrate the Negros Oriental High School Founders Day 2014. Going strong the proud age of 112 years, the NOSH Founders Day is a yearly celebration where Alumni from all over the country flock back to Dumaguete to celebrate reunions and to build bridges to todays students. The theme of the 112th NOHS Founders Day is:

“Coming Together: Strengthening ties, Touching Lives”

The celebration starts on August 29 and goes for 4 days until September 1, 2014.

Negros Oriental High School

Negros Oriental High School

 NOHS Founders Day 2014 – Schedule of Activities

Day 1 Friday August 29, 2014

8:00AM Holy Mass

10:00 AM Opening of Booths

1:00 – 4:00 PM Acoustic Presentation

6:00 – 9:00 PM Hagik – hik Batch “89


Day 2 Saturday August 30, 2014

8:00- AM 12:00 NN Mass Demonstration

1:00 PM – 4:00PM Club Activities

6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Mr & Miss NOHS 2014


Day 3 Sunday August 31, 2014

8:00 – 9:00 AM Pass in Review

9:00 – 12:00 NN Variety Show

1:00 – 4:00 PM Ball Games

6:00 – 10:00 PM Teachers Night


Day 4 Monday September 1, 2014

8:00 AM – 9:00AM Holy Mass

9:00 AM – 12:00 NN Alumni Business Mtg.

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Street Parade

5:00 PM Onwards Alumni Night

Happy 112th Founders Day NHOS !

Here are the photos from the Holy Mass & Opening of the booths

Founders day NOHS 2014


Here are real VIPs of the event: The proud and joyful students of Negros Oriental High School

NOSH Dumaguete

The Teacher’s Night

Negros Oriental Teachers Night

Negros Oriental Teachers Night


Silliman University Founders Day 2014

Silliman University - Dumaguete City

The Silliman University Founders Day 2014 celebration will bring alumni from all over the globe back to their Alma Mater to celebrate together. Founders Day 2014 Celebration officially starts with the Founders Day Opening Service on August 17, 2014 and ends with the Closing Service of the Church Workers’ Convention on August 30, 2014.

With that many activities we will split the 113th Silliman Founders Day calendar of activities into a few sections for an easier overview.

Schedule of activities Aug 17 – Aug 22, 2014

August 17,2014 – Sunday




Dr.Noriel C. Capulong
OT Professor in SUDS
2:00pm to 5:00pm SUSTEC Silliman Founders Day tournament SU Tennis Court

August 18, 2014 – Monday




8:00pm to 10:00pm TALUMPATI NG TAON 2014 Luce Auditorium

August 19, 2014; Tuesday




5:00pm Romeo P. Ariniegos Art Collection Luce Auditorium
Opening Exhibit Foyer

August 20, 2014 – Wednesday




7:30am to 4:00pm SUES Kids Fair/Fun Day SUES Grounds
8:00am Miss SILLIMAN Pre-­Pageant Luce Auditorium
6:00pm CSO Torch Parade City Streets
7:00pm Hibalag Opening Booth Area – East Side of the Gym
9:00pm Indievided/Bell Tower Booth Area – East Side of the Gym

August 21, 2014- Thursday




5:00am to 9:00am Silliman University Sunrisers Tennis Club SU Tennis Court
(SUSTEC) vs Silliman University Alumni Friendly Games
9:00am Chemistry Alumni Balik-­Talent Lectures SC 110
New Direction in STEM (Science, Technology,Engineering, and Mathematics)
Preparing Highly Qualified STEM Educators (K + 16)
Speaker: Dr. Rey L. Llena
9:30am to 11:30am “The Medical History and Legacy of Silliman University”
Speaker: Dr. Eusebio Kho, MD
Luce Auditorium
2:00pm Chemistry Alumni Balik-­talent Lectures
Coconut Scale Insects: The Scourge of the Philippine Coconut Industry
Speaker: Ms. Edna Callejas-­Mijares
6:00pm Inter-­Dorm Dance Competition Booth Area – East Side of the Gym
7:00pm Neon Fun Run(Pre-­Registration starts at 7:00) Booth Area – East Side of the Gym
8:00pm Neon Fun Run *starting gun at approximately 8:00pm Booth Area – East Side of the Gym
9:00pm Hibalag Party Night Booth Area – East Side of the Gym

August 22, 2014; Friday




Archery Invitational Games Dionesio Flores Archery Range
8:00am to 3:00pm Badminton SU vs NORSU and Alumni SU Gym
8:00am to 5:00pm SUCNAAI Balik Talent 2014
Theme: “Older Population: Trends, Issues and Challenges”
Keynote Speaker:
Elizabeth Gonzalez, PhD, RN
Nancy Bohannon, MD, FACP, FACE
Nela Pineda Marcon, MN, RN-­BC, MD
Hon. Carmencita Abaquin, RN, MAN
Suzalin R. Llena, BSN, RN
Laura Garcia, MAN, MSN, RN
Special Guest Speaker:
Atty. Sonny Angara
Luce Auditorium
8:30am Chemistry Alumni Balik-­Talent Awards
Topic: Legislation of the Chemistry Profession in the Philippines
Speaker: Ms. Edna Callejas-­Mijares
SC 110
9:30am Consecration of Father Patrick Daniel Parcon San Carlos City
3:00pm SUES Alumni Homecoming SUES Grounds
6:00pm High School Night Booth Area – East Side of the Gym
6:30pm Thanksgiving Fellowship – Prof. Lina F. Rabor Scholarship Don Atilano Restaurant
7:00pm Kalokalike Booth Area – East Side of the Gym
8:00pm SILLIMAN PERFORMS: Broadway Selection Luce Auditorium
9:00pm RAYA 1st Eliminations Booth Area – East Side of the Gym

The full Calendar of Activities can be downloaded here: Silliman Founders Day 2014

(Schedule may change without prior notice)