Batinguel Annual Summer Festival 2014

The summer is here and the Barangay Fiestas are in full swing. Barangay Batinguel celebrates their yearly Summer Festival from May 14 – May 19. The Barangay Officials gathered together to have the official schedule of events ready in timely manner for this coming Batinguel Summer Festival 2014.

summer festival compilation 2014

Batinguel Summer Festival – Schedule of Activities

Schedule may change without prior notice !

May 15 2014

  • 8:00 PM Doble Kara

May 16 2014

  • 8:00 PM Fashion show and Dance Number Participants Dumaguete Kinetic Authentic Models (DKA),/  BATES & Taclobo High School at Barangay Hall

May 17 2014

  • 7:00AM Marathon Open 4.5K & 6.5K Male & Female
  • 9:00 AM Karambola in front of SJR Store
  • 11:00 AM Piglet Catching in front of SJR Store purok 6
  • 1:00 PM Championship Double Billiard at A&A Billiard Hall
  • 8:00 PM Bingo Social 8:00PM Participants SUN CELLULAR in Barangay Hall

May 18 2014

  • 1:00 PM Pole Climbing 1:00PM In front of SJR Store purok 6
  • 1:00PM Tug and WAR in front of SJR Store
  • 8:30 PM Tourism Road Show Participants Tourism Office at Barangay Hall

May 19 2014

  • Mega Variety Show at 8:00PM Participants Tanjay Actress
  • Championship Singles Billiard at 1:00PM at A&A Billiard Hall

This event is prepared by all Barangay Officials of Barangay Batinguel Dumaguete City

For Inquiries and More Details please Call (035) 226 – 2931 or (035) 421- 2947

Look for Councilors: Allan Aranas and Ramonita Tolin.

While usually the big events are for good reason are in the focus of the public, we are always happy to drop by when smaller celebrations are held. During the Summer Festival 2014 in Batinguel the DINS Team visited a few events which were not in the spotlight of any media. Of course we took some snapshots of the competitions and want to share them with our website visitors.

Cock FightingPhillippines cock fighting in Dumaguete 2014

The fun part was that -other to regular cock-fighting- in this competition all rooster were at the same time in the pit and the last cock standing is the winner. It was also a smart one, as he was standing in the corner until there were only 2 or 3 opponents were left but already exhausted.

Pole Climbing and Sack Hopping

During the pole climbing the participants tried all kind of techniques. Some used rugs and sand to get a better grip, others build 4 men high pyramids but nobody could get to the top. When everybody was ready to give up, a young guy came and climbed alone to the top like he never did anything else in his life before.

Dumaguete Tourism Roadshow

The Dumaguete Tourism Roadshow was truly a Highlight of the Batinguel Summer Festival. The Dumaguete Tourism Office organized a colorful event with many games, show and music. Very well done and highly entertaining! Only the audience appeared a little bit reserved and the artists on stage deserved a bit more appreciation than the Batinguel audience gave this evening.

Dumaguete Road Show Batinguel


The Sumer Festival in Batinguel 2014 was a great success. A big Thank You to the organizers of the Barangay and the Dumaguete Tourism Office.

Batinguel Doble Kara Singing Contest 2014

The Summer Festival of Barangay Batinguel started May 15 2014 with the Doble Kara  Singing contest. It was the kick off for the week long celebration of the barangay Festa. Barangay Capatain Nicolas Ramirez, proudly declared the festival as opened.

Dumaguete Double Kara in Batinguel

It’s not only just a ordinary singing contest, but singing contest with two voices of one individual. The eighth talented Participants give the audience fun and enjoy the start of Batinguel Summer festival show.


The Participating Purok 7 of the Barangay Batinguel also give their time and show talent for dancing.

Thank you so much to the barangay officials who invites us to witness the show.


Miss Tinago 2014

A Tuesday evening can’t be spend much better than visiting a beauty contest. In this case, we went to Barangay “Uno” to witness the Miss Tinago 2014 Beauty Pageant . The Gym in the Barangay was packed when the contest Miss Tinago 2014 took off. Each of the seven contestants had their supporters in the audience cheering their lungs out. That certainly pushed them to give their very best on the catwalk.

The organizers allowed the DINS-Team to get a sneak-peak at the backstage area, so we are able to share some of the pictures which are usually hidden from the public eye.

Backstage at Miss Tinago 2014

The Miss Tinago 2014 Beauty Pageant



Wenzell Cunanan Rendal – Miss Tinago 2014


While the Miss Dumaguete or similar “elite” contests attract all VIPs and local star-photographers, for us the smaller contests have a very special charm to it and the DINS-Team gladly covers those events. At this point one more big “Thank You” to the organizers of Barangay Uno to invite us. The Miss Tinago 2014 was a great event and we hope everybody enjoyed our pictures, like we enjoyed the contest.

Yag-Yag Festival Sibulan 2014

Yag-Yag Festival 2014

The street-dance competition of the Yag-Yag Festival 2014 in Sibulan took place at the probably hottest day of this year so far. The start of the Yag Yag street-dance parade was scheduled at 3:00 pm and one literally could boil an egg on the street. Therefore the performance of the 6 Puroks of Barangay Cangmating in Sibulan was even more admirable.

Pictures of the Yag-Yag Festival 2014

All of the performers did an outstanding job. While one of them was declared as a winner of  the street-dance competition, the DC-Team would give each of them the spot on the top. Each single participant put so much enthusiasm, time, effort and even the one or the other tear into practicing and performance just to entertain us and to celebrate the history and culture of their barangay at the Yag Yag Festival in Sibulan.

Yag Yag Festival 2014 in Sibulan

The six contestants were all well prepared and entertained a big crowed along the streets from the gym at the municipality hall in Sibulan towards the Gym in Cangmating, where the showdown of this years Yag Yag Festival in Sibulan was held.


Easter Procession – Good Friday

The Easter Procession in Dumaguete on Good Friday is always attended by thousands of Christians. The usual highlight of Good Friday is the procession of the Santo Entierro, a often wooden or resin sculpture of the dead Christ lying supine. 

Easter Procession in Dumaguete City

Easter Procession in Dumaguete City

Following some pictures of the Easter Procession 2014 in Dumaguete.

Eatern Friday-proseission30

Lemmy @ Eatern Friday-proseission

Easter the Good  Friday Procession-Dumaguete

Happy Easter Sunday

Happy Eastern 2014 to all of our Family & Friends


Tayada sa Plaza – Quezon Park

Tayada sa Plaza is the name of an event which takes place most Sundays afternoon at Quezon Park in Dumaguete. Each week (weather permitting) a school or college performs on the big stage under the theme “Showcasing the Best of Dumaguete”.

tayada sa Queazon park Dumaguete

tayada sa Queazon park Dumaguete

The event starts usually between 04:00pm and 05:00 pm in the afternoon. It showcases various talents and skills which are developed at the schools in Dumaguete. The performances of the different groups vary and go from traditional dances to Hip Hop performances or theater dramas and comedy.

Folk Dance at Tayada sa Plaza

Folk Dance at Tayada sa Plaza

Tayada sa Playa is a great family event. The entrance is free of charge and limited seats are available. The event is organized by the Dumaguete Tourism Office.

Tayada sa Plaza Dumaguete  Hawain Dance

Tayada sa Plaza Dumaguete Hawain Dance


Tayada Sa Palza –  Dancers

The event is very popular with Dumagueteños and a good option to escape the almost weekly Sunday brownout (presented proudly by NORECO II). However, local and especially foreign tourists should not miss the Tayada sa Plaza. Visiting the event gives a good idea into the relaxed life-style of Dumagueteños and why we are called gentle people.

Santa Claus Visits Provincial Hospital

Santa and his Helper went on the evening of December 23 to the Provincial Hospital in Dumaguete City. Like each year, they had some presents for all Children who were admitted to the Hospital for Christmas. This is the 3rd year the small group organizes the visit. Many helping supporters chimed in and made Christmas for the Children in the hospital a little bit better. The shopping started in October; and once again UniTops offered a 10% discount on all items, which simply means, that the donations go a longer way.

Dumaguete Project santa Thursday Club 2013

Dumaguete Project santa Thursday Club 2013

Shopping for Santa Claus:

Liza with Rechel Shopping for Project Santa 2013

Liza with Rechel Shopping for Project Santa 2013

Four different bags needed to be filled. Each bag had several hygiene items as well as toys and educational stuff.

60 gift bags for babies and newborns



The 60 Christmas Bags for babies and newborn contained: Alcohol, Bath Soap, Face Towel, Comb, Baby Powder, Cotton Buds, Cotton, Coin Box, Manzanilla, baby powder box w/ sponge, Wet Tissue (Baby Wipes), Rattles (noise maker), Feeding Bottles, Baby Socks, Baby Gloves

70 gift bags for children between 2 and 5 years



The 70 unisex gift bags contained: Alcohol, Bath Soap, Face Towel, Comb, Baby Powder, Cotton Buds, Cotton, Coin Box, Tooth Brush, Tooth Paste, Book (Reading and Coloring), Crayons, Bubbles, Ballon (pinguin), Spring Rainbow, Hair gel, Yoyo, Spiral Ruler

40 bags for girls 6 to 12 years



The bags for the girls contained: Bag, Alcohol, Bath Soap, Face Towel, Comb, Baby Powder, Cotton Buds, Cotton, Coin Box, Tooth Brush, Tooth Paste, Book (Reading and Coloring), Crayons, Bubbles, Ballon (pinguin), Spring Rainbow, Hair gel, Yoyo, Cooking Set, Doll

40 gift bags for boys 6 to 12 years



The boys got: Bag, Alcohol, Bath Soap, Face Towel, Comb, Baby Powder, Cotton Buds, Cotton, Coin Box, Tooth Brush, Tooth Paste, Book (Reading and Coloring), Crayons, Bubbles, Ballon (pinguin), Spring Rainbow, Hair gel, Yo-yo, Ball

The group met at Casablanca Restaurant and headed towards the Negros Oriental Provincial Hospital.

Miss Dumaguete Lorrane Kendrickson & Rechel of DINS

Miss Dumaguete Lorrane Kendrickson & Rechel of DINS

All Children received their small presents. The left-over bags were brought to an orphanage.




Merry Christmas


The Christmas House of Dr. Absin

Since 25 years Dr Absin’s Christmas House opens the doors for visitors from the City, the Philippines and from all over the world. Everybody is invited to spend some hours at his property, to feel the spirit of Christmas.

Christmas House in Dumaguete

Christmas House in Dumaguete


Since years, the Christmas House is a “must” on our schedule. One does never get too old for a visit. The visit is not only about the decorations. Many of the figurines are antiques, which are arranged into beautiful sceneries. Each by itself is admirable.dumaguete Christmas Absint-House-080

The Christmas House is located on 143 Hibbard Avenue. In 2013 it is supposed to open on December 14.

Christmas House in Dumaguete Piapi

Christmas House in Dumaguete Piapi

The following pictures are just a few of the hundreds we took over the last years.

Dr. Absin Christmas House in Dumageuete

(click image to enlarge)

Hope you enjoyed the pictures. If so, leave a comment.

Sandurot 2013 – Streetdance and Showdown

The most colorful event of each year’s Sandurot Festival is the Street-Dance Parade, which peaks in the Street Dance Showdown. The last years, the showdown was held at the quadrangle just in front of the City Hall. This year the organizers moved it to the main stage in Quezon Park.  Another change was made with the competing participants. Usually the Barangays were competing at the Sandurot Festival with each other. Sandurot 2013 saw six different schools in the competition.

Sandurot 2013 streetdance

Sandurot 2013 streetdance

The Sandurot Street-Dance Parade started a little bit too late. When the participants danced along Perdices Street it was already too dark. Without natural daylight, the colorful costumes and their details were barely to see for the thousands of spectators along the route of the Sandurot 2013 Parade. Nevertheless, all participants gave their best. Some costumes and choreographic were simply spectacular.

Sandurot 2013 – Showdown Competition

All seats in front of the big stage were stuffed and thousands were watching the Sandurot 2013 – Street Dance Showdown on the huge screens and the SKY cable live broadcast on TV.

Sandurot Showdown Competion 2013

The Stage is ready for Sandurot Showdown Competition 2013

All six contestants were stunning and we were not be able to vote for one in particular. Each group had multiple WOW-moments. The entertainment factor was as high as it can get. Also the intermission numbers before the winner were announced did not fail to make the audience screen and shout. Therefore we simply post a whole lot of pictures below in no particular order. The real winner was once again everybody who had the chance to watch the Sandurot Street Dance 2013 Showdown at Quezon Park.

The Sandurot Showdown 2013 was certainly the highlight of a great Festival full of excellent events. Some of the experiment of the organizers worked out very good, some need a little bit adjustment and better organization. The big stage in Quezon Park was an absolute great invention as a center-piece of the Sandurot Festival 2013 and the Dumaguete City 65th Charter Day.

Miss Dumaguete 2013

The Miss Dumaguete 2013 Coronation Night took this year place in the Macias Convention Center instead of the Sports Complex. The eight finalists going through stressful weeks full of photo-shootings, interviews, visiting schools, tv- and radio station and charity projects. All that hard work led to the Miss Dumaguete 2013 night, where the candidates showed their best to become the successor of Frances Claire Vintola-Miss, our Dumaguete 2012.Miss Dumaguete 2013

The Convention Center was an adequate environment for the Miss Dumaguete 2013 Coronation Night and filled about half with the who is who in Dumaguete. Exactly at 8:00 pm (Filipino Time), the house-lights went out, to have the next 10 minutes in darkness, making all late visitors “guessing” for their place, as nobody had a torch to show them their seat. For all “normal” Dumaguetenos, who couldn’t afford the 100 PHP – 300 PHP entrance fee, SKY-cable organised a live-broadcast to Rizal Boulevard and Quezon Park, where a good crowd followed the event. Great Service, well done.

Miss Dumaguete 2013 Opening

Miss Dumaguete 2015

Here some pictures of the opening ceremony of Miss Dumaguete 2013 Coronation Night (click pictures to enlarge)

Miss Dumaguete Swim Wear

Next was the swim- wear round, which is always the favorite of all real men in the audience.

Following some pictures of VIPs, guests, organizers and acts on  stage. All were needed to make the Miss Dumaguete 2013 Coronation Night a great event.

Miss-Dumaguete-2013 VIP

The traditional Filipinana dress was the theme for the gowns.  Each candidate was wearing a dress in the color of their birth-stone, at least the audiance was told, until one of the contestants announced that they picked them randomly. Not that it really mattered, as they all looked graceful and simply stunning

Miss Dumaguete 2012 Kate Vintula

Finally the judges made their decision and the moment of truth moment had arrived. After the awarding of the minor and major prices, it was time to celebrate Miss Dumaguete 2013. Congratulations to  …

Miss Dumaguete 2013 – Lorraine Kendrickson

Miss Dumaguete 2013 Grand Coronation Night

Miss Dumaguete 2013 Grand Coronation Night


Miss Dumaguete 2013 Lorraine C. Kendrickson CORONATION

Miss-Dumaguete-2013 AWARDING and Coronation Night