Miss Negros Oriental Tourism 2014

The opening night of Buglasan 2014 lays behind us and it started with the coronation night of Miss Negros Oriental Tourism 2014. 13 lovely candidates from all over Negros Oriental competed for the crown. The event was scheduled at 8:00pm, which was more a suggestion than a fixed beginning. Even Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo waited over 30 minutes patiently in his plastic chair until the show finally started past 9:00pm. We used the delay to get backstage to catch some of the Miss Negros Oriental Tourism 2014 candidates to receive the finishing touches. Here some pictures:

Miss Negros Oriental Tourism 2014

Backstage at Miss Negros Oriental Tourism 2014

The show started with the production number where the candidates showed plenty of skin, wrapped in a kind of candy-wrap colored “whatever that is called” bad design-accident.

Miss Negros Oriental Tourism 2014

Following an intermission number where the artist was more concerned about technical issues (nit the only technical probs this evening) the Miss Negros Oriental Tourism 2014 candidates entered the stage again in their gowns.

Miss Negros Oriental Tourism 2014

Congratulations to the new:

Miss Negros Oriental Tourism 2014

Miss Negros Oriental Tourism 2014


Valencia Street Parade 2014

The Valencia Fiesta Celebration continued with another highlight. The colorful Street Parade of School Bands, Folk Dancers from high schools and elementary schools was watched by thousands of spectators along the streets. The excited students and teachers proudly gathered together at the assembly area in front of Municipal Hall Rizal street in Valencia.

Valencia Fiesta Parade

Valencia Fiesta Parade

Many participants were wearing Filipino attire, which added a traditional touch to the event.

But not only the schools were parading the streets of the municipality of Valencia, over 75 groups were participating. From the Valencia Motorcycle Driver Association (VALMODA), PNP Patrol Grand Marshall, Municipal Public Safety Officers (MPSO), to the senior citizen association to different businesses, it was a colorful mixture.

Valencia Motorcycle Driver Association (VALMODA)

Valencia Motorcycle Driver Association (VALMODA)

After the parade everybody gathered at the plaza and enjoyed the school band competition, followed by the Folk Dance competition.

Valencia Municipal Organizer of event

Valencia Falk dancers

Valencia Falk dancers

Valencia School Band

Well done and Happy Fiesta Valencia.


Miss Valencia 2014 – Coronation Night

Miss Valencia 2014

The decision who will be Miss Valencia 2014 was felt during the coronation night at the municipality gym. The event was held in front of a enthusiastic crowd who saw a good show with professional moderation and entertaining intermission numbers. Following some backstage shots of some candidates, as well as VIPs, VUPs and many helping hands.

Finally the show started and the candidates presented themselves in stunning colorful costumes.

Now it was finally time for the section of the contest all real men were waiting for. It was time to get sexy and show some skin…

Miss Valencia 2014

After a short intermission number it was time for the candidates to get into their evening gowns. Black was the color of the night, which made the Miss Valencia 2014 to a rather unique contest. IT was a tough decision for the judges pick the winner out of those lovely candidates.

Miss Valencia 2014 - Evening Gown

Congratulations to Miss Valencia 2014

Miss Valencia 2014



Miss Valencia 2014 – Talent Night

Celebrating Fiesta in the Philippines usually means a Beauty Pageant is part of it. This time we went to the municipality of Valencia and covered the Miss Valencia 2014 (Muyta ng Valencia) Talent night.

It was only 15 minutes late starting which need to be said on a positive note considering the miserable weather conditions and endless rain everybody had to fight with during the preparation. Here some pictures of:

Miss Valencia 2014 – Talent Night

Miss Valencia

Miss Valencia 2014 Feista

The awarding of Best in Talent

Three contestant have been chosen to be the Top 3 for this part of the competition. The awarding for tittle Miss Valencia 2014 as well as the major awards will be announced at the Pageant Night, October 10 at Municipal Gym of Valencia.

Here are the photos of the Miss Valencia 2014 candidates in their cocktail dress:


NORSU – Mr & Ms CBA 2014

NORSU - Mr & Ms CBA 2014

Once again we were guests at the NORSU Gym for a beauty pageant. This time 10 candidates competed for the Mr. & Ms CBA 2014 title. CBA stands for College of Business Administration.  One aspect which makes these smaller contests very enjoyable is the audience. They are not just sitting and staring at the stage, they start cheering for their favourtites already an hour before the actual contest starts. One thing which is the same at each beauty pageants is the tension backstage before the competition starts.

NORSU – Mr & Ms CBA 2014 – Production Number

NORSU - Miss CBA 2014

NORSU – Mister & Miss CBA 2014 Business Attire and Talent

Mr & Ms CBA 2014 Candidates  in Official Attire and Gowns


NORSU - Miss CBA 2014

And the Winner is…

NORSU - Miss CBA 2014

Congratulations Mr & Ms CBA 2014

Mr & Miss CBA 2014

Mister & Miss NOHS 2014

Mister & Miss NOHS 2014

The search for Mister & Miss NOHS 2014 was nothing short of a huge success. The 10 competing candidates were prepared, the stage was set and the audience was cheerful. Thousands of students screaming their heart out for their favorites already one hour before the event started. That was also the time when we were allowed to sneak backstage to take some pictures of the candidates getting the last touches and advices.

Backstage at Mister & Miss NOHS 2014

Mister & Miss NOHS 2014

Finally the show started with the production number. The NOHS dancers created an artistic firework before the 10 candidates entered the scene in their white fantasy “angel-like” outfits.

Mister & Miss NOHS 2014

Red was this evening not the color of love, but the color of the sports outfit of the 10 contestants for the 2014 title of Mr. & Ms. Negros Oriental High School. The Q&A session, probably the most feared part of most contestants, was done in a professional way by Ms. Muffin, who is – as we learned – the very first Miss NOHS.
Mister & Miss NOHS 2014

After a short change of the outfit, the candidates showed their talents which reached from ballroom dancing and hip-hop to singing and poetry.
Mister & Miss NOHS 2014

Finally it was time for the lovely ladies to slip into their gowns and the young gentlemen to change to their official attire before the winner was announced.Mister & Miss NOHS 2014


Well done and congratulation to:

Mister & Miss NOHS 2014

Negros Oriental High School

Miss Silliman 2014 – Coronation Night

Last night was the Miss Silliman 2014 Coronation night at the Lamberto Macias Sports Complex. While the event was not sold out, and some seats remained empty, it was still a good crowed, which supported their favourites in a frenetic way with cheers, lights, banners and all kind of “noise-makers”. After the last judge finally arrived and was introduced the show started with the presentation of the stunning candidates who ran for the crown of Miss Silliman 2014.

Miss Silliman 2014 – Presentation of the Candidates

Miss Silliman 2014

At this point a quick thank you to all organizers, artists, announcers and sponsors. Without them an event like the Miss Silliman Coronation Night would not be possible. Some of them are in the next little gallery:

For the sake of political correctness, the swim-wear round is almost not existing at beauty pageants in Dumaguete. No difference here. The contestants had to choose a Zodiac Sign and presented themselves in a kind of costueme according their choice.

Miss Silliman Candidates as Zodiac Signs

Miss Silliman 2014

After another more or rather less thrilling intermission number, the candidates finally presented themselves in their stunning evening gowns.

Miss Silliman 2014 – Evening Gown

Miss Silliman 2014



Congratulations Miss Silliman 2014 – Sophia Diago


Miss Silliman 2014 Pre- Pageant

Miss Silliman Pageant is a yearly activity of Silliman University, until we discovered it is the  longest running beauty pageant of its kind in Asia. The Miss Silliman pre-pageant was held yesterday at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium on the University campus. Even a short power interruption could not stop the enthusiasm of the ten candidates and the audience.

Miss Silliman 2013

Pictures of Miss Silliman 2014 Pre- Pageant

First some pictures from the presentation of the stunning young ladies.

At this point a “Thank You ” to all organizers, participants, announcers, judges and all involved. Without their effort a succsessfull event like the Miss Silliman 2014 Pre- Pageant would not be possilble.

Next was the talent round:

Last but not least the candidates for Miss Silliman 2014 were asked to deliver a short speech about their advocacy.


Dumaguete Tourism Road Show in Camanjac

Once again the stage was set for the Dumaguete Tourism Road Show.This time Barangay Camanjac was the location. The weather stood dry and the audience got excited when the pros on stage performed really excellent.


Mister & Miss CAS 2014 at NORSU

10 gorgeous young woman and 10 handsome young man were on stage of the NORSU gym last night to compete for the Mister & Miss CAS 2014 title.

Mister & Miss CAS 2014

We were able to sneak in backstage to see the nervous candidates preparing for their catwalk.

Backstage at NORSU Mister & Miss CAS 2014

Not only the candidates, also the audience was quite exciting

And here some snapshots from Mister & Miss CAS 2014 at NORSU

Thank You and Congratulations to all Participants

Miss NORSU 2014