Entries by Rechel DC-Team

Valencia Street Parade 2014

The Valencia Fiesta Celebration continued with another highlight. The colorful Street Parade and Folk Dance competition was watched by thousands of spectators

Miss Valencia 2014 – Talent Night

Celebrating Fiesta in the Philippines usually means a Beauty Pageant is part of it. This time we went to the municipality of Valencia and covered the Miss Valencia 2014 (Muyta ng Valencia) Talent night.

City Health Medical and Dental Mission

Dumaguete City Health Medical and Dental Mission The City of Dumaguete Thru its Family week steering Committee in Coordination with Philippine National Red Cross Celebrates Family Week with the theme: “Celebrating Filipino Family: Resilient and Caring” The City Health Center of Dumaguete and Dumaguete Red Cross gives free Check-up and Medicine to patient, the dental […]

Negros Oriental High School Founders Day 2014

Late August is the time to celebrate the Negros Oriental High School Founders Day 2014. Going strong the proud age of 112 years, the NOSH Founders Day is a yearly celebration where Alumni from all over the country flock back to Dumaguete to celebrate reunions and to build bridges to todays students. The theme of […]

Miss Silliman 2014 – Coronation Night

Last night was the Miss Silliman 2014 Coronation night at the Lamberto Macias Sports Complex. While the event was not sold out, and some seats remained empty, it was still a good crowed, which supported their favourites in a frenetic way with cheers, lights, banners and all kind of “noise-makers”. After the last judge finally […]

Miss Silliman 2014 Pre- Pageant

Miss Silliman Pageant is a yearly activity of Silliman University, until we discovered it is the  longest running beauty pageant of its kind in Asia. The Miss Silliman pre-pageant was held yesterday at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium on the University campus. Even a short power interruption could not stop the enthusiasm of the […]

Dumaguete Tourism Road Show in Camanjac

Once again the stage was set for the Dumaguete Tourism Road Show.This time Barangay Camanjac was the location. The weather stood dry and the audience got excited when the pros on stage performed really excellent.

Tayada Sa Plaza 2014 – Season Opening

Tayada Sa Plaza is one of our favourite events in Dumaguete. Different schools and groups are showcasing their talents on stage, which are ranging from traditional dances to vocal artists and modern dance groups. Our good friend Jun Carlos is the “talent scout” and the main organizers of Dumaguete Tourism Office, which is in charge […]

Colon Street – Senator Lorenzo G. Teves Street

Colon Street  – Senator Lorenzo G. Teves Street Colon Street viewing Rizal Boulevard from C & L Bay View InnMany Dumagueteños still call the Senator Lorenzo G. Teves Street the old name, which was Colon Street, even the name was changed already in 2005. The street runs in east-west direction, starting from the Boulevard, between […]