Yag Yag Festival 2024

Brgy. Cangmating – Sibulan – Negros Oriental

The Yag Yag Festival 2024 of Barangay Cangmating in Sibulan, Negros Oriental was nothing else but a great event. Throughout the years, the celebration of the Yag Yag Festival of Sibulan has caught many eyes and souls in Negros Oriental.  Even it is “just” a barangay festival, the whole municipality of Sibulan, and many guests from the surrounding places as well as our big boss herself were lining up along the streets, to watch this colorful event.

Yag Yag Festival 2024

Yag Yag Festival 2024

Yag Yag Festival – Short History

The festival got its name due to the abundance of crabs in Sibulan. A long time ago, the town of Sibulan experiences a famine that lasted for quite a while. The religious townsfolk of barangay Cangmating of Sibulan started praying. A miracle happened and saved the people from hunger. Crabs crawled out of the shores the to the feet of the townspeople. To give thanks for this blessing, a traditional dance was created…the Yag Yag Festival.

The street dancing was supposed to start at 3:00 pm. However, as a heatwave was hitting Negros Oriental since a few days, the Yag Yag Festival 2024 organizers decided to move the start 1 hour. It was simply too hot and the earlier start would risk the health of dancers and spectators. Of course less sunlight gives us photographers less light and less bright colors. However, the DC-Team totally support the decision of the festival committee, to keep all involved safe!

The street dancing of the festival started around three o’clock in the afternoon of April 28, 2024. Colors of red, orange, green and brown flooded the streets of Barangay Cangmating and Sibulan. Crabs and small crab shells were seen flooding the streets. It was indeed a sight to see! If you missed the actual festival, we hope you can enjoy our pictures as much as we enjoyed taking them.

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