Tawo Tawo Festival 2020

Bayawan City – Negros Oriental

Tawo Tawo Festival 2020 - Bayawan City - Street Dancing

The Tawo Tawo Festival 2020 of Bayawan City was held last March 07, 2020. There were seven school groups who participated in this year’s festival street dancing and presentation. As much as we know, this year’s festival was not a competition. Hence, most of the groups were not as competitive looking as the previous years. However, the streets were still filled with audience as the colorful costumes danced along the streets. Watch the video below.

Brief History of Tawo Tawo Festival

The term “tawo tawo” literally means person person. It is a Visayan dialect for a scarecrow. In the olden days, Bayawan City faced great famine. Their crops and rice would be eaten by local birds called Maya (or maya-maya). They decided to put up a few scare crows in their fields to save their crops. Since then, they celebrated their bountiful harvest with the Tawo Tawo Festival.

For this year’s festival, only seven school groups participated. The celebration of the festival was supposed to be celebrated on the month of February. However, is was postponed to March 07 due to the coronavirus that has been spreading all over the world. But, virus or no virus, the show must go on!

Unfortunately, there was not much sunshine during the festival. We are just glad that it did not rain, or else our cameras would have gotten the worst from the event. The street dancing parade started around three o’clock in the afternoon. Colors of yellow, orange, red, green and white flooded the streets as the dancers passed by.

Watch the Tawo Tawo Festival 2020 Video here:

The Tawo Tawo Festival 2020 of Bayawan City was great. Loads of cheers, shouting and smiling. Until next year Bayawan!

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