Tag Archive for: Valencia

Valencia Fiesta – Schedule of Activities 2015

The celebration of the annual Fiesta are always some of the busiest days for the municipalities officers and persons in charge to create great events. This year the festival celebrations in Valencia start first week of September and last until October 12.

Valencia Street Parade 2014

The Valencia Fiesta Celebration continued with another highlight. The colorful Street Parade of School Bands, Folk Dancers from high schools and elementary schools was watched by thousands of spectators along the streets. The excited students and teachers proudly gathered together at the assembly area in front of Municipal Hall Rizal street in Valencia.

Valencia Fiesta Parade

Valencia Fiesta Parade

Many participants were wearing Filipino attire, which added a traditional touch to the event.

But not only the schools were parading the streets of the municipality of Valencia, over 75 groups were participating. From the Valencia Motorcycle Driver Association (VALMODA), PNP Patrol Grand Marshall, Municipal Public Safety Officers (MPSO), to the senior citizen association to different businesses, it was a colorful mixture.

Valencia Motorcycle Driver Association (VALMODA)

Valencia Motorcycle Driver Association (VALMODA)

After the parade everybody gathered at the plaza and enjoyed the school band competition, followed by the Folk Dance competition.

Valencia Municipal Organizer of event

Valencia Falk dancers

Valencia Falk dancers

Valencia School Band

Well done and Happy Fiesta Valencia.


Valencia Fiesta 2014

Valencia Fiesta 2014

The municipality of Valencia is celebrating its annual Fiesta from October 03 – October 11 2014. Here the Schedule of Events of the Valencia Fiesta 2014

October 03-11, 2014 – daily Novena Mass—Church

Friday, October 03, 2014

Opening Salvo , Halad Sayaw, Presentation of Miss Valencia Candidates,

Fireworks Display – Church/ Municipal Street/Plaza

Saturday, October 04, 2014

8:00AM to 5:00PM Tabo sa Banay with Games – Plaza

Evening –  Live Band- Plaza

Sunday October 05. 2014

8:00AM to 5:00PM Tabo sa Banay with Games – Plaza

7:00PM October,05 2014 Open Vocal Duet Competition –Municipal Gym

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Talent Night Municipal Gym

Thursday,  October 09, 2014

7:00PM A Night with Los Viajeros of Eat Bulaga – Municipal Gym

Friday October 10, 2014

Mutya ng Valencia 2014 – Municipal Gym

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Parade and inter-school Folk dance Competition Municipal Street & Plaza

1:00PM Folk dance Competition—Municipal plaza

Evening  DISCO—Municipal Gym

Sunday October 12 2014    

10:00AM Pontifical Mass – Church

8:00PM DISCO Municipal Gym

 Happy Fiesta 2014