Tag Archive for: Miss Bindoy

Bindoy Fiesta 2024 – Schedule of Events

Bindoy Fiesta 2024 will include highlight events such as the Libod Sayaw 2024 Showdown and Miss Bindoy 2024. Click here to see full schedule!

Miss Bindoy 2017

The search for Miss Bindoy 2017 took place at the gym after a long day for us covering the Libod Sayaw Festival and showdown. Check our gallery here

Miss Bindoy 2015


A fully packed municipality gym in Bindoy was the location of the Miss Bindoy 2015 beauty pageant. The event was split into the talent night and the coronation night. Eight stunning candidates were well prepared to show not only their beauty, but also their talent and capability to speak a memorized line or two into a microphone.

The Talent Night of Miss Bindoy was held on the evening of the municipality fiesta with a lot of political prominence present to celebrate the annual fiesta in Bindoy. In good tradition we start with a gallery of VIPs and helping hands as well as sponsors. Without them an event like that would not be possible.

After all introductions of present people and reading of the contest rules it was time for the candidates to present themselves the first time on stage during the production round.

Miss Bindoy

Next was the talent round. In all honesty, while each candidate certainly practiced hard, some appeared to be forced by their handlers to a certain performance instead of showing what talent they actually may have. Then again, maybe clicking “like” and “share“, as well as “speed-texting” might not count as a talent at a beauty contest.

Miss Bindoy 2015 Coronation Night

The Miss Bindoy Coronation Night started on the spot (in Filipino time) with prayer and national anthem before the candidates presented themselves in their interpretation of the theme.

Miss Bindoy 2015 Coronation Night

Stunning costume designs presented by gorgeous candidates forced the crowd to cheer their hearts out. Each of the designer of this costumes and of course all candidates deserved this reaction. They were some of the best themed costumes we’ve seen this year!

Miss Bindoy - Swimmwear

The swim wear round was kept rather short, which was fine with most, as the design would not win an award in the 21st century and color reminded most probably on great-grandmothers closet. But we guess a sexy bikini would just not be politically correct.

Finally the candidates switched to their evening gowns, which was after the festival costumes the second highlight of the Miss Bindoy 2015 Coronation Night.

Miss Bindoy 2015

Congratulations Miss Bindoy 2015

Miss Bindoy 2015