Miss Sta. Catalina 2015

Miss Sta Catalina 2015

Nine contestants were competing to become Miss Santa Catalina 2015. The contest started at 9:30pm and lasted until 3:00am in the morning. 5 hours and 30 minutes for a beauty pageant is probably the longest one in our books. It appeared that the election campaigns are in full swing and just repeating all names endless times and of course all important speeches took about oneandahalf hours of the evening.

VIPs & VUPs at Santa Catalina Beauty Pageant

Miss Santa Catalina 2015

However, when the main focus got away from all more or less important people, the spotlight got finally to the candidates which entered the stage first in their Pakol Festival costume before the Production number.

Our mighty respect goes for the Bikini round to the organizer. While the trend goes to politically correctness and “beach wear” – which most of the time looks more like a third grade-pass out-colorblind stitched some weird materials together – the Miss Sta. Catalina 2015 showed some guts.

Miss Santa Catalina 2015

All nine candidates proofed that sexy bikinis can be presented gracefully. No need to say that this round got the loudest cheers of the fully packed auditorium.

The nine Miss Sta Catalina 2015 candidates changed their attire into a kind of business dress in which they were questioned about their advocacy.

After all trees were saved, all hungry people were fed and all kids were educated (the 3 standard answers at each beauty contest nationwide) the contestants changed for the last time. The final round of Miss Santa Catalina 2015 showed was…

Miss Sta Catalina – Wedding Gown

Miss Sta Catalina 2015

Congratulations Miss Santa Catalina 2015

Miss Sta. Catalina 2015

Miss Sta Catalina 2015

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