Miss Jimalalud 2018

Negros Oriental | Philippines

Miss Jimalalud 2018 - Negros Oriental

The search for the Miss Jimalalud 2018 was participated by 24 candidates last January 14, 2018 at the Judge Restituto V. Tuanda Sports and Cultural Center which was originally scheduled for 8pm.

Jimalalud Fiesta and Sinulog Festival

One of the highlight of the fiesta celebration is of course the Sinulog Festival 2018 Showdown and Street Dancing. But aside from the festival itself, the search for Miss Jimalalud 2018 also marks as one of the highlight in the whole Jimalalud Fiesta.

With 24 candidates four main rounds and two elimination rounds, three hours for a show may drain the audience. But thanks to the Jimalalud Tourism Office and the Jimalalud mayor, the DC-Team were accommodated at Florence Place and got the rest needed after a long eventful night.

Miss Jimalalud 2018 – Coronation Night

There were twenty-four candidates who represented most of the barangays of Jimalalud. For this year, only four barangays were not able to participate in the beauty pageant. But nevertheless, 24 candidates will still be a tough group to judge and crown. Thankfully there were respected judges chosen to pick the right woman and crown her the honors as Miss Jimalalud 2018.

Production Number

The production was made indeed very awakening. With the candidates in their belly-dancing-inspired production attire, the spectators shouted their lungs out with excitement and joy. But this did not stop there. It went on to the next round where the candidates showed a little more of their flawless skins and curves. Yes, the swim wear! Being a municipality with full respect for women, the candidates were dressed in a bra and short instead a real bikini. Nevertheless, they all rocked the attire with their curvy bodies and sweet smiles.

Swim Wear Competition

After the heating round of the introduction and the bikini round, it was time to showcase the 24 candidates in their evening gown. Each of the candidates were allowed to choose their own kind of evening gown in which they think would flatter their type of beauty and style.

Evening Gown

The show was speeded up because of the two elimination rounds of the beauty pageant. Out of the 24 candidates only 10 can proceed to the next “magic ten” round. The top ten who got through the first elimination round would proceed for the last and final elimination round where they all must wear a white gown. In this top ten, the top five will be chosen for the 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st Runner up and of course the new Miss Jimalalud 2018.

Over all the three-hour show was worth the watch. The DC Team was quite exhausted after this but was quite happy and rested at Florence Place with a big smile. Congratulations to all the winners!

Happy Fiesta Jimalalud!!!

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