Langub Festival 2020

Street Dancing & Showdown – Negros Orietnal

Langub Festival 2020 - Showdown

The Langub Festival 2020 street dancing and showdown was held last January 24, 2020 in Mabinay. The festival was participated by 8 clusters of barangays from the municipality of Mabinay. The streets were flood by children dressed as bats and high school students in colorful festival attire. If you missed the event, check out our pictures below!

Mabinay Caves – Langub Origins

The term “Langub” is a Visayan word which means cave. During the olden times, many tribes explored the mountainous lands of Mabinay. While hunting, the one of the tribes found a hole which happened to have hundreds of bats. At first, they were scared. However, the gathered their courage and made the caves as their home.

Today, Mabinay is known as one of the fastest growing community in Negros Oriental. Aside from the wonders of their caves, Mabinay is also rich in agricultural resources. Sugarcane and corn are some of the product they produce.

Langub Festival 2020
Street Dancing & Showdown

The street dancing of the Langub Festival 2020 started past one o’clock in the afternoon. Starting from one of the public schools in Mabinay, they walked all the way to the market, then to the Lingganay Stage (where the showdown was held). Each of the eight groups had to perform their dance following some basic Langub dance steps. However, the choreographers where creative enough to add in some other moves to stand out.

Langub Festival 2020 - Mabinay - Negros Oriental

After the street dancing, the groups went to the showdown area. Showing their support for the Langub Festival 2020 were Governor Roel Degamo, Congressman Chiquiting Sagarbarria and Vice-Governor Mark Macias. Senior Tourism Officer Myla Mae Bromo-Abellana and Photographer Michael Ocampo was also present during the festival.

Special thanks to Mabinay Mayor Joeterry Abada Uy and Vice-Mayor Ernie “Jango” Uy for inviting us to cover the Fiesta and Festival of Mabinay. Thank you as well to the Tourism Office of Mabinay headed by Gharie Caseres for always welcoming us with open hearts. Until next year!!!

Watch the Langub Festival 2020 Video here:

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