Hibalag Festival 2017 King & Queen

Silliman Founder’s Day

Hibalag Festival 2017

The 116th Silliman University Founder’s celebration marks an important value not only to the students but to the city of Dumaguete as well. One of the highlight event of the celebration includes the search for the Hibalag Festival King and Queen 2017, which was held last night during the Hibalag Nightfall.

Hibalag Festival

The Hibalag Festival was recently founded to recognize the different student groups participating in the booth making and activities during the Hibalag Nightfall.  The Hibalag Festival is a night of showcasing the different tribal and festivity dances of the Philippine.

Last night, eight pairs from Silliman University presented their respective festivals with a dance off. The festivals assigned to the contestants were mainly from Visayas and Mindanao including the islands of Bohol, Siquijor, Leyte Samar, Surigao, Davao and even Agusan. The night was filled with cheer and festivity music as they danced the night away. Vibrant colors of blue, red, yellow, green and silver flashed as the contestants revealed their best costumes and moves.

Like any other pageant, the show cannot be complete without the most critical portion of the competition, Question and Answer. The eight pairs were lined up on stage after their showdown. The Masters of Ceremonies (MC) had a little chat with the contestants to calm their nerves before the judges question them.

The show was pretty well organized by the students for it went smoothly and fast. After a few minutes from the question and answer portion, the results of the winners were ready. It was time to award who deserves to be crowned as Hibalag Festival King and Queen 2017.

Congratulations to the Hibalag Festival 2017 King and Queen!

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