COMELEC Road Map for Barangay Election 2017

Dumaguete City – Negros Oriental

SK and Barangay Election 2017

The Philippine Commission of Election (COMELEC) has set the Barangay Election on October 23, 2017 along with the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Elections. The Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) is a youth council found in each barangay all over the Philippines. The SK Chairman along with the council’s support and services are important during the barangay election. The Barangay Election last 2016 was postponed by the Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte due to ‘election-fatigue’ of the Filipino voters.

Dates, Activities and Prohibited Acts during Barangay Election 2017

Monday November 7,2016 to Saturday April 29, 2017

Filling of:
1. Applications for registration of voters for the barangay elections.
2. Applications for membership to the Katipunan ng Kabataan (KK).

Monday May 1, 2017

Last day to post notice of hearing with list of applicants

Monday May 8, 2017

Last day to file opposition to the application for:
1. Registration as voters
2. Membership to the Katipunan ng Kabataan (KK)

Monday May 15, 2017 to Friday May 19, 2017

Approval or disapproval of applications for:
1. Registration as voters for the barangay elections.
2. Membership to the Katipunan ng Kabataan.

Monday May 22, 2017

Last day to post the list of approved and disapproved applications for:
1. Registration as voters for the barangay elections.
2. Membership to the Katipunan rig Kabataan.

Sunday July 09, 2017

Last day to file petition for inclusion of voters (Sec. 34, R.A. 8189 in relation to Sec. 29, RA. 6646).

Friday July 14, 2017

Last day to file petition for exclusion of voters. (Sec. 35, R.A. 8189 in relation to Sec.29, R.A. 6646).

Thursday July 20, 2017

Last day for the ERB to certify and seal the List of Voters for the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections.

Tuesday July 25, 2017

Last day to post the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Computerized Voters Lists (CVL). (Sec. 30, R.A. 8189 in relation to Sec. 29, R.A. 6646).

Wednesday August 23, 2017 to August 30,2017 Wednesday

Period to constitute the members of the Board of Election Tellers (BETs) and Barangay Boards of Canvassers (BBOC).

Thursday August 24, 2017 to Wednesday November 22, 2017

Prohibited Acts:

Illegal release of prisoners before and after election. (Sec. 261 (n), OEC).

Saturday September 23, 2017 to Wednesday October 30, 2017

Election  Period

Prohibited Acts:

  • Alteration of territory of a precinct or establishment of a new precinct. (Sec. 5, R.A. 8189).
  • Vote-buying and vote-selling (Sec. 26 (a), OEC)
  • Carrying of firearms or other deadly weapons (Sec. 32, R.A. 7166).
  • Use of security personnel or bodyguards by candidates (Sec. 33, R. A. 7166).
  • Coercing, threatening, intimidating or terrorizing any election official or employee in the performance of his election functions or duties. [Sec. 261
  • (f), OEC]. (NOTE: Until proclamation of winning candidates)
  • Transfer or detail of officers and employees in the civil service including public school teachers. (Sec. 261 (h), OEC).
  • Organizing or maintaining reaction forces, strike forces or similar forces. (Sec. 261 (u), OEC).
  • Suspension of any elective provincial, city, municipal or barangay officer. (Sec. 261 (x), OEC).

Saturday September 23, 2017 to Saturday September 30, 2017

  • Filing of Certificates of Candidacy (Sec. 7, R.A. 6679) in relation to Sec. 29, R.A. 6646.
  • Last day to issue notice of inspection and verification of the completeness of the Voters Registration Records (VRRs) and sealing of the Book of Voters for each barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan precinct. (Sec. 31, R.A. 8189 in relation to Sec. 29, RA.6646).
  • Inspection and verification of completeness of the Voters Registration Records (VRRs) and sealing of the Book of Voters for each barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan precinct. (Sec. 31, R.A. 8189 in relation to Sec. 29, R.A. 6646).

Friday October 13, 2017 to Saturday October 21, 2017

Campaign Period (Sec. 7, R.A. 6679)

Sunday October 22, 2017

Eve of Election

Prohibited Acts:

  • Campaigning(Sec.3.OEC)
  • Selling,furnishing, offering,
  • buying, serving or taking intoxicating liquor, etc., (Sec. 261 (dd), OEC).
  • Giving, accepting free transportation, food, drinks and things of value (Sec. 89, (OEC).
  • (Note: Acts mentioned in the three preceding paragraphs are prohibited until election day).

Monday October 23, 2017

7:00am to 3:00pm ELECTION DAY

Prohibited acts:

  • Campaigning(Sec.3.OEC).001
  • Using the voter’s affidavit of another for the purpose of voting, whether or not he actually succeeds in voting. [Sec. 261 (y) (10), OEC].
  • Destroying, substituting, or taking away from the possession of those having legal custody thereof, or from the place where they are legally deposited, any election form or document or ballot box which contains official ballots or other documents used in the election. [Sec. 261 (z) (12), OEC]. (NOTE: May be committed before or even after election day)
  • Voting more than once or in substitution of another (Sec. 261 (z) (2) and (3), OEC).
  • Soliciting votes or undertaking any propaganda for or against any candidate within the polling place or within thirty (30) meters thereof. (Sec. 261 (cc), (6), OEC).
  • Selling, furnishing, offering, buying, serving or taking intoxicating liquor, etc. (sec. 261, (dd), OEC).
  • Opening of booths or stalls for the sale, etc. of wares, merchandise or refreshments within thirty (30) meters radius from the polling place (Sec. 261, (dd) (2), OEC).
  • Giving, accepting free transportation, food, drinks and things of value (Sec. 89, OEC)
  • Holding of fairs, cockfights, boxing, horse races or similar sports (Sec. 261 (dd), (3), OEC)
  • Wednesday November 22, 2017
  • Last day to file Statement of Contributions and Expenditures (SOCE) (Sec. 14, R.A. 7166)

This information is provided to us by COMLEC Office of Dumaguete City.
For more information regarding the SK and Brangay Elections please check out the official COMELEC website:

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