Christmas for the Kids at Provincial Hospital

Some folks organize traditionally some special Christmas for the children, which are admitted to Negros Oriental Provincial Hospital in Dumaguete at Christmas. The guys and girls will meet on 23rd of December downtown at Casablanca Restaurant and go to the Hospital together.

Dumaguete Project Santa Thursday Club at Provincial Hospital 2012

Dumaguete Project Santa Thursday Club at Provincial Hospital 2012

As we couldn’t write it better, below the original post as a quote:

Project Santa 13

Have you noticed how quickly the time flies by ? Yep, me too. Every year seems to disappear a bit quicker than the one before. It seems like only yesterday that we were scrabbling around, ticking off lists, packing bags, and testing cuddly toys for the surprise visit of Santa to the children in the Provincial Hospital at Christmas. But the clock never stands still and here we are again almost halfway through the “ber” months. Two months from today will be Christmas Eve, so it’s time to kick-start Project Santa 13. Last year we provided gift bags for 150 children, from new born and premature babies to 11 years old, and we just about made the mark in quantity. So this year we will provide for 200 children. At just 200 pesos per child the Christmas fund will need 40,000 pesos. The largest group is the walking age to 5, so the breakdown of gift bags will possibly be as follows:-

New babies to pre-walking – 50 bags.
Walking to 5/6 ish unisex – 70 bags.
5/6 to 11 ish girls – 40 bags.
5/6 to 11 ish boys – 40 bags. Total 200 bags.

The age groups of those in there can never be accurately predicted as there are constant admissions and departures. So the increased quantity of gift bags for the 5/6/7 years old age bracket gives us a grey area where the child could get a gift bag from any of the categories other than new babies. All of the bags contain hygiene products with variations according to age and sex, plus games, books, colouring books, pens, yo-yo’s, dolls, cars, things that bounce and things that don’t, plus all new babies and unisex to 5/6 also have a safe cuddly toy.

I risk repeating myself here from last year, but I make no apologies for that. The children that are in there at Christmas are from the poorest and most marginalised sections of society. Most know what Christmas is, but none of them have experienced the indulgences that we take for granted in the western world. They’re sick, they’re in a strange environment, they’re in pain and they’re frightened. Some of them, sadly, may not have another Christmas. For them it’s just another day amongst the 365, and our object is to change that. It only takes an hour to hand out the gifts, but the look of surprise and excitement from the kids makes it a truly magical hour.

I’d like to emphasise, so that there can be no misinterpretation, that this is a notice of intent, simply an announcement of what we plan, and is in no way a solicitation for donations. Any help is gratefully received, but that is a matter for each individuals conscience and generosity. We kick-off today with 5000 in the pot. Come what may, I guarantee that the 40k will be there.

One hour. Free
One gift bag. 200 pesos.
One smile from a sick child. Priceless.

While surely everybody is busy to feast at the companies Christmas parties, family gatherings and so on, any kind of support is appreciated.

Just be a part of it to create a smile like on the picture below.

Project Santa 2012 Dumaguete

The Happy Santa’s Helper..


The Preparation

Roger Standley Thursday Club Shopping

Roger Standley Thursday Club Shopping

The whole event does not take much longer than 1 – 2 hours. If you have any questions, want to share some of your precious time, or even have 200 Peso left to give one of those poor children a very special day, just get in touch with us via the contact form.

Check out this video with more pictures of Project Santa:

Buglasan 2013 Preparation

Whole Negros Oriental almost can’t await the Opening of Buglasan 2013 starts on Friday. We already paid a visit today and took some pictures of those, who are not in the spotlight, not the big TV celebrities, no beauty queens and no VIPs.

Buglasan preparation

Buglasan preparation Work

Many helping hands and hard work is needed to get all booths build, just to entertain us, the guests of Buglasan 2013. (click here to get to the schedule of the Festival)

A big thank you to all, who work in the background and never get the applause and honor they would deserve.

Dumaguete luckier than Bayawan

Negros Oriental 100 – Ultramarathon 2013

When you get out of breath walking 3 laps at the oval or the Boulevard, you certainly don’t qualify for the first Negros Oriental 100 Kilometer Ultramarathon.

Ultra Marathon 100 KM Negros Oriental

The first Negros Oriental 100 Ultramarathon will take be held on December 14, 2013. The Ultramarathon starts  in Dumaguete at 5:00 pm and takes the runner to the south. Bacong, Dauin and Zamboanguitais passing Siaton before heading north again via Sta. Catalina all the way to Bayawan City. Each 10 kilometers are service-stations.

One of the requirements to participate in the Negros Oriental 100 Ultramarathon is the previous finishing of a 50 Kilometer run.

Fees for the Negros Oriental 100 Ultramarathon

P1,250.00 registration fee includes the runner’s bib, the 10 Aid stations, finisher’s medals, commemorative t-shirt, and a meal at the finish line.

A free bus ride back to Dumaguete City by 1:00 PM is also included if you make the cut-off time which is 24 hours after the start.

Press Release of the Negros Oriental 100 Ultramarathon

ABOUT Negros Oriental 100

These past few years, road runs and marathons are conducted with such regularity in almost any big city in the Philippines. Race organizers usually do this to promote a healthy lifestyle among the people, and to help boost sports-tourism activities in their respective places.
But one can only run in any particular place so many times; otherwise, it could get pretty boring. More and more runners are now curious about other running adventures in other places in the country; this is precisely what we want to offer you here in Negros Oriental, in the central part of the Philippines.

The Negros Oriental Ultra-marathon 100-km offers you — and being designed to those who have yet to conquer their FIRST 100k Ultra-marathon — the opportunity to run along the asphalted highway of Negros Oriental starting at 5pm through the sunset, and meeting the sunrise the next day until about 5pm, giving you a breathtaking view between the Mindanao Sea and the Cuernos de Negros mountain range.

Negros Oriental 100 is one of the highlights in the celebration of the Charter Day of the City of Bayawan which culminates on Dec. 23.

With the prodding and support of the Negros Oriental-based Metro Dumaguete Roadrunners Club (MDRC) and the Dumaguete Adventure Runners & Striders (DARS), this Negros Oriental is organized by the Negros Oriental Sports Development Program (NOSDEP) of the Office of the Governor of Negros Oriental, and the Fiesta Committee of Bayawan City.

While all efforts are in place with aid stations spaced every 10-km distance to ensure the safety and well-being of the ultra-marathoners and the organizers, the Provincial government of Negros Oriental, the City government of Bayawan, the Philippine National Police, the Philippine Army, and the co-host local government units of Dumaguete City, the municipalities of Bacong, Dauin, Zamboanguita, Siaton, and Sta. Catalina, and the race sponsors shall be free from any liabilities or claims for damages arising injuries or mishaps for the duration of the ONe100 ultra-running.Negros Oriental 100-519x400


The Negros Oriental 100 race route is not only fun; it also has a number of photo-ops. It begins at the Provincial Capitol in the University Town of Dumaguete City, running along Rizal Boulevard (where Jose Rizal walked along the promenade, met some locals, and gave Dumaguete the monicker “City of Gentle People”), then Colon St. (the City’s oldest) where you could see the 18th century Bell Tower. Then the route takes you south to Km. 7 to the town of Bacong, birthplace of Philippine hero Pantaleon Villegas, more known by his nom de guerre Gen. Leon Kilat.

On to hilly roads of the town of Dauin in Km. 16. By Km. 25 is the jump-off point to Apo Island, one of the world’s Top 5 Dive Spots. Then you move on to the town of Zamboanguita by Km. 28, where the Japanese Imperial Forces Command surrendered to the Filipinos during World War II. Then up through the winding and hilly slopes of the enchanted town of Siaton by Km. 32, the original site chosen by the United States for their air base in the Philippines. You don’t stop until you reach the town of Sta. Catalina in Km. 90, Negros Oriental’s rice granary. And on to the FINISH LINE in the Sundown City of Bayawan.


Schedule for the Negros Oriental 100

Registration Period Oct. 15 to Friday, Dec. 6, 2013

Race Day Assembly (Dec. 14, 2013 in Dumaguete City)

• 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon — Claiming of Race Packet at the Booth Area fronting the Capitol
• 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM ——Check-in, Marking of bibs, Checking of Running Gear, Race Briefing at Booth Area. Bags will be transported to Bayawan City.
• 4:30 PM to 4:50 PM ——-Brief Program
• 5:00 PM —— Gun Start (with MDRC and DARS 5km send-off run)

Post Race (Dec. 15, 2013 in Bayawan City)

• 11:00 AM onwards ——-Awarding of Commemorative Finisher’s Medals and Shirts
• 12:00 Noon & onwards—-Serving of meals and drinks at the Terminal Hotel Lobby
• 5:00 PM Awarding of Top 3 Finishers (Male and Female)

Happy Running

Buglasan 2013 – Calendar of Events

The province of Negros Oriental is preparing for Buglasan 2013 which will be celebrated from October 11 to 20, 2013. The Events will take place at the capitol Grounds, the freedom park, the Sidlakan Negros Village and the Rizal Boulevard. The Street dancing competition and parade will dance its way through the streets of Dumaguete as well as the Civic Parade on the opening weekend of Buglasan 2013.
Theme of Buglasan 2013 is “Sustaining Growth Unity Among The Negrenses”

Buglasan 2013 Calendar of Events October 11 to 20, 2013

Schedule for October 11, 2013 Friday

05:00pm Buglasan Ecumenical service at the Capitol Forecourt

05:30pm Buglasan Opening Salvo Production at the Capitol Forecourt

08:00pm Miss Negros Oriental Tourism at the Freedom Park Stage

11:00pm Grand Fireworks Display by DSS at the Capitol Grounds

Live band at the Freedom Park.
Events on October 12 2013 Saturday

08:00am Lutong Garbo at the Provincial Agriculturist Office

02:00pm Grand City-Wide Civic Parade with Marching Band Competition at Dumaguete Streets

05:00pm Opening SNV BOOTHS at The Sidlakan Negros Village

07:00pm GMA Night at Sidlakan Negros Village

08:00pm Children’s Choir Competation at Freedom park, Minus-one Singing Competition Senior

At Freedom park.

Duet Competition Senior Division at Freedom Park.

10:00pm Live band at Freedom Park.
Buglasan 2013 schedule for October 13, 2013 Sunday

6:00pm Rondalla Competition Junior Division at Freedom Park

Kumparsa Competitions at Freedom Park

Balak, Balitaw Competitions at Freedom park

10:00pm Live Band at Freedom Park.
Buglasan 2013 Events on October 14, 2013 Monday

07:00pm Bulilit Minus-one Singing Competitions at Freedom Park Duet Bulilit Division at Freedom Park

11:00pm Live Band at Freedom Park
Schedule for October 15, 2013 Tuesday

07:00pm Rap Competition at Freedom Park, Pop Dance Competition at Freedom Park.

11:00pm Live Band at Freedom Park
Events on October 16, 2013 Wednesday

07:00pm Live Band Competition at Freedom Park

12:00pm Live Band at Freedom Park

Buglasan 2013 Schedule for October 17, 2013 Thursday

06:30pm Folk Dance Competition at freedom Park

Ballroom Dancing Competitions Junior & Senior Divisions at Freedom Park

10:00pm Live Band at Freedom Park.
Buglasan Events on October 18, 2013 Friday

08:00am Buglasan Festival of Festivals Showdown at Lamberto L. Macias Sport & Cultural Center

02:00pm Buglasan Festival of festival Street Dance at Dumaguete Streets

05:30pm Palkwela Game Show at Sidlakan Negros Village

08:00pm Buglasan Festival King & Queen Pageant at Freedom Park

10:00pm Live Band at freedom Park
Schedule for October 19, 2013 Saturday

08:00am “Ironman IV” Negros Oriental Endourocross Rally @ Tayasan- Mabinay-Bayawan

Buglasan Jobs Fair @ Negros Oriental Convention Center

Under Water Photo Contest @ Sidlakan Negros Village Gallery

10:00am Smart Activities @ Rizal Boulevard

07:00pm ABS-CBN Night @ Rizal Park Boulevard

08:00pm Smart Night @ Rizal Boulevard

09:00pm Kasikas sa Boulevard, Part1 @ Rizal Boulevard

Fireworks Competition, part1 @ Rizal Boulevard

09:00pm Live Band @ Freedom Park
Buglasan 2013 Events on October 20, 2013 Sunday

05:00pm Awarding & Thanksgiving Ceremonies @ Capitol Forecourt

07:00pm Under Water Photo Contest Award @ Capitol Forecourt

Cleanest & Greenest School Award @ Capitol Forecourt

LGU Booth Awards @ Capitol Forecourt

09:00pm Kasikas sa Boulevard, Part2 @ Rizal Boulevard

Fireworks Competition, Part2 @ Rizal Boulevard.


Happy Buglasan 2013

Busy City of Dumaguete, and the Kids need Love

While People Busy Buying their Food, having fun, some kids are just hungry, lonely and needs cares..


kid-sidewalk-in-Dumaguete,Busy City, Hungry Street Kids

with busy Dumaguete Street, there are kids also asking for help,food attention and love….

Buglasan 2013 – Negros Oriental

When the whole region getting into party-mood, it must be the time of Buglasan 2013. The “Festival of Festivals” puts Dumaguete and Negros Oriental into a “state of exception” for two weeks. Hundred thousands of visitors from all over the province, neighboring Islands and from all over the Philippines marked their calendar to visit Dumaguete and enjoy the activities of Buglasan 2013.

Buglasan-2012-1-600x400 Buglasan 2013 will be celebrated from 11th – 20th of October

The festival kicks off with a civic parade through the streets of Dumaguete on Friday 11th at 2pm. The assembly will be in Quezon Park. Participants coming from all different fields. TV stations, local businesses, schools, government units, artists and many more will parade via Colon and Real street to Negros Oriental High School. The Viewing Stand will be also located in this area. The same day will be a ecumenical service followed by the Buglasan Opening Salvo. Buglasan-Negros-Oriental-2013 Roel Degamo, the provincial Governor of Negros Oriental will declare the Buglasan 2013 festival officially opened at the Sidlakan Negros Village at 6 pm the following day (Oct 12th)

Highlights of Buglasan 2013

Like each year, there are many competition. The Highlight of Buglasan 2013 is surely the Final Parade with all participants of the Street-Dance competition and Mr & Mrs. Buglasan 2013. And for all who can’t wait or never were in Negros during the Festival of Festivals here some archived pictures of the Buglasan Festival of last years.


If you plan to visit Negros Oriental and Dumaguete for the Buglasan 2013 Festival, you better book your Hotel now, many are already fully booked.

See you all in Dumaguete

Sidlakan-Village-Negros-Oriental If you liked this post, let your friends know about it and share.

StudentUniverse – Job Fair

On September 15th you have the chance to become part of the StudentUniverse Team. The biggest student-travel network of the US holds a Job-Fair at Bethel Guesthouse. If you are have a college degree or at least 6 month experience in a call-center, you are qualified to become a Sales & Travel consultant.

Excellent English communication skills (written and verbal) are of course a prerequisite. Having great customer service and sales skills is another advantage when you apply for this job.

Dumaguete Student Universe Job Fair

Dumaguete Student Universe Job Fair

Who is StudentUniverse

StudentUniverse is the largest student deals agency in the U.S. The company was founded as a student travel agency and launched their service in 2000. As a technology company that loves clean, easy-to-use, efficient services, StudentUniverse provides students all over the world with exclusive deals.

StudentUniverse is a large network of engaged users that get access to unique experiences. It’s all about students on the go. It’s about getting the most out of your time in school. Millions of students use the website site every year and find the best possible deals.

Candau-Ay Elementary School 2013 Thursday Club Visit

Candauy-ay is the lucky school chosen by the Thursday Club, this club is a non officially Charity organization but this group of people are coming together to help kids in different ways. From contributing extra centavos, their time, and effort just to help others who have less than others.

City Hall sets up Business Permit One Stop Shop 2014

The Business Permits and Licensing Division of the Dumaguete City government announced on Thursday, that the employees will have No Lunch Break.