Asian College at Tayada sa Plaza

Tayada sa Plaza - Dumaguete

Asian College at Tayada sa Plaza

This weeks Tayada sa Playa was sponsored by Asian College. The Theater Arts Guild of the college did a little bit a different performance compared to most other Tayada Weekends. The team did a stunning 45 minute performance about two kids from birth to college graduation.  Some visitors might have been confused at the beginning, when 2 young came pregnant on the stage and “delivered” live on the same.

However, after a few minutes it was all clear what it is about. The show was filled with music, dancing, acting, live-band, just everything on can perform in this short time. Certainly some very talented students at Asian College.

Well done, keep up the good work.

Asian College Theater Arts Guild

Asian College Theater Arts Guild

Nutrition Month Culmination at Quezon Park

The Food Fair 2014 with the theme “ Kalamidad Paghandaan Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan” was held at Quezon Park , Dumaguete City July 30.

The program started when participating Barangays finished preparing their goods.

Nutrition Month Culmination Quezon Park

Nutrition Month Culmination Quezon Park

The participating Barangay brought their vegetables, fruits and finish products to their respected booth to showcase them. Each booth mush have the Go, GROW, GLOW food.

Some mothers from participating Barangays also joined the Inter- Barangay Cooking Contest. They had to represent their foods to the judges as well as the recipe of the finished product to let the judges taste them.

Nutrition Month Calmination at Quezon Park with silliman students

Nutrition Month Culmination at Quezon Park with silliman students

Before the selling and tasting the food the program started with the prayer lead by Nutrition Officer I, CNO Purivic Y. Paras followed by the Pambansang Awit (Singing of National Anthem) after the Nutrition Month pledge, led by Engineer Leonides P. Caro OIC, CPDO, a message from our City Administrator Mr. William E. Ablong followed.

Emcee Syril Repe announced the “Cutting of Nutrition Vine”, which was the fair-start led by our City Mayor Manuel Teves, Sagarbarria, who also gave an inspirational message for everybody as we celebrates the Nutrition Month.


Hope you enjoy our photos..


Tayada Sa Plaza 2014 – Season Opening

Tayada Sa Plaza Dumaguete

Tayada Sa Plaza is one of our favourite events in Dumaguete. Different schools and groups are showcasing their talents on stage, which are ranging from traditional dances to vocal artists and modern dance groups. Our good friend Jun Carlos is the “talent scout” and the main organizers of Dumaguete Tourism Office, which is in charge of the event taking place on Sundays on the big stage at Quezon Park. Once again we experienced some highly entertaining hours with great enthusiastic performers.

The 2014 Season Opening had to be transferred to the COSCA Gym due to rainy weather. Nevertheless, all involved pulled off a great show which makes us look forward to the coming weeks and months. Enjoy our pictures of the:

Tayada Sa Plaza 2014 – Season Opening

If you liked our pictures, don’t hesitate to drop by next Sunday at Quezon Park at around 4:00pm and enjoy Tayada Sa Plaza.

Tayada Sa Plaza

Miss Silka Dumaguete 2014 – Coronation Night

The decision who represents Dumaguete in November at the Miss Silka Philippines 2014 contest is felt. The Miss Silka Dumaguete Coronation Night was successfully held on Saturday, July 26-2014 at Luce Auditorium. Despite the ridiculous rules for entering this “wanna-be-something-better-but-are-actually-not” place, we were able to get at least a few shots on the hard-drive. Having never attended ( for good reason) this educational facility, we could not know that flash-lights are prohibited – for a reason no one could explain us- so we needed to adjust some stuff before getting ready to shoot.

Miss Silka 2014 Production Number

Miss Silka Dumaguete 2014

Miss Silka Dumaguete 2014

After the production number the 14 lovely candidates got in their swim-suit and impressed with their pure beauty in golden bikinis. The actual competition was already held a few weeks back at The Oasis (Florentina Homes)

Swim Suit Outfit at Miss Silka Dumaguete

Miss Silka - Swim Suit

Of course the lovely candidates needed some time to change into their evening gowns, so there were some intermission numbers. One of the teenage girls in the audience had here certainly the time of her (rather short up to now) life and got brought on stage by Bryan Termulo, runner-up in Pinoy Pop Superstar Year 3. And we can tell her heart was making some extra beats. Surely many teenage girls in the audience would have given more than 30 Peso load to change with her.

Bryan Termulo in Dumaguete

Blue was the color of the evening for the Miss Silka Dumaguete 2014, and all looked stunning in their gowns.

Miss Silka – Evening Gowns

Miss Silka Dumaguete - Evening Gown

After the presentation in evening gowns the Top 5 of lasts years competition entered the stage and it was time to pass the crowns to the new Miss Silka Dumaguete and the runner ups.

Congratulations Miss Silka Dumaguete 2014 – Anke Schelling

Congratulations Miss Silka Dumaguete 2014 - Anke Schelling

Miss Silka Dumaguete 2014 – Anke Schelling



Made in Negros Oriental Fair 2014 – Nutrition Month 2014

Made in Negros Oriental Fair 2014 – Nutrition Month 2014

Nutriton Month 2014

July is traditionally the Nutrition month in most schools all over the Philippines. Also several government offices and businesses are organizing events to educate people against malnutrition. Last weekend was the official Kick-Off with the Nutri-Walk from Robinsons and Quezon Park to the Aquino Freedom Park.

Mayor of Dumaguete City Manuel Teves Sagarbarria Give The Plague of Recognition in different categories award. one of this is most creative group barangay category , Barangay Uno Tinago, got the said award headed by Barangay Chairman Orlando Angot, and barangay council Saulo Paul Baybay.

Here some pictures from the Freedom Park Assembly

Below some activities taking place during the Nutrition Month in Dumaguete

July 15 – 20, 2014 Atrium Robinsons Place Dumaguete City 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

To celebrate: MSME Week , Science & Technology Week, CARPER Week,ICT Month

Schedule Of Activities:

July 07 2014 Gender Sensitivity training from Department Of Agrarian Reform (DAR)

July 08 2014 Skills Training on Lamination from Department of Trade and Industry Philippines (DTI )

July 10 2014 Project Labeling from Department of Trade and Industry Philippines (DTI )

July 12 2014 (9:00PM) Bell tower Project @ Hayahay from (ICT Dumaguete)

July 14 2014 AM Motorcade / Mass from DAR

July 15 2014 AM farmer Beneficiary Installation @ Tanjay City from DAR

July 15 2014 @ 4 PM Opening of Negros Oriental Fair – DTI

July 16 2014 AM – Green Growth Opportunities for Tourism, Food & Industries

@ 1:00 PM Food Track , Energy track @ Bethel Guest House – DOST

@ 1:00 PM On- The- Spot Poster Making Contest @ Robinsons Place Dumaguete – DAR

July 17 2014 Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights @ Bethel Guest House – DTI, IPO-Phil.

July 18 2014 (AM) Industry Forum: A Dialogue Between ICT & Education Industies — ICT Dumaguete

@ 6:00 PM Talent Night @ Robinsons Place Dumaguete – ICT Dumaguete

July 19 2014 @ 4:00PM Speed Typing Competition – ICT Dumaguete

@ 5:00 PM Mock Call Competition – ICT Dumaguete

July 21 2014 Legal Information Drive @ SU / FU

July 27 2014 @ 5:00PM ICT Fun Run ( Kick Off Teletech – ICT Dumaguete

July 29 2014 Regional ARB Summit – DAR

And here are some images of the Nutrition month culmination at Quezon Park:

Looc Fiesta 2014 – Dumaguete Tourism Road Show

Dumaguete road show looc

The Tourism Road Show set another Highlight of the celebrations of the Looc Fiesta 2014. Some heavy rain during the afternoon caused some delay in the stage-preparation and caused a 90 minutes delay for the show to start. It didn’t stop the enthusiastic performers and audience to have a great evening. The location was full of cheers and smiles, enjoying a very entertaining night in Looc. Thanks to Dumaguete Tourism for creating the Tourism Road Show and of course all performers and organizers involved.

Pictures of Tourism Road Show in Looc

116th Philippines Independence Day Celebration 2014

In Celebration of 116th Philippines Independence Day Mayor of Dumaguete City Manuel Sagarbarria lead the Flag Ceremony together with Dumaguete Officials held at Quezon Park Dumaguete City.

Philippines National Police of Dumaguete City, Dumaguete Tourism officials, Dumaguete Department of Education (DepEd) and almost all public school teachers for elementary and high schools join the celebration.

After the flag ceremony an inspirational speech delivered by Miss: Stacy Danika Alcantara touched the listeners and we wish it inspired the young generation too, as Dr. Jose Rizal wanted for our country.

The Cultural Dancer of Dumaguete High School gave a colorful presentation which was one of the high lights this event, a visual presentation of how we people of the Philippines became Independent.


Here are some Pictures of 2014 Independence Day Celebration here in Dumaguete City

Miss Sta. Cruzan 2014

Miss Sta. Cruzan 2014

Miss Santa Cruzan

Like promised, here some pictures from last nights Miss Sta. Cruzan 2014 competition in Tabuc Tubig, Dumaguete City
All candidates were well prepared and did great. The organizers did also well and of course the two moderators managed slight delays professional and lead the audience professional through the evening.

The pictures are in no particular order, just click to them to magnify.

Mrs Dumaguete 2014

The coronation night of Mrs Dumaguete 2014 was one of the main events of this year’s Sta. Cruzan/Kabulakan/Heritage Month celebration. 7 lovely women between 25 and 45 challenged themselves and participated in the contest.

Mrs Dumaguete 2014

Here some pictures of the Mrs Dumaguete 2014 contest

The winner was like on most events the audience. Dumaguete Tourism Office organized once again a great event under the leadership of Woodrow Maquiling Jr.

Mrs Dumaguete 2014

Tabuc Tubig Santa Cruzan Procession 2014

Month of May has a lot of festivals here in Dumaguete City. One of the Barangays here in Dumaguete  is Tabuc Tubig. Residence here are celebrating their Fiesta and have a lot of activities going on.  With the help of local goverment as well as baranagy officials, and helpful youth in this barangay the event turned out to be very successful. The highlights of the fiesta activity is the Miss Santa Cruzan Pageant. The next day after the pageant the Procession started at the afternoon 5pm after the Novena in their chapel, all participants in the festival activities joined in the procession as a gift for their patron.

2014 Santa Cruzan prosession-36pg

Some residence of this barangay were busy preparing for small party and can’t go to the procession, however, some others are busy getting ready and make the procession successful. They will make sure kids are happy and proudly participating in the parade on the street to represents the characters of Reyna Elena, Reyna Abogada (Queen Advocate/Lawyer),Reyna Justícia (Queen Justice),Divina Pastora (Divine Shepherdess), Reyna de losÁngeles (Queen of Angels),Luklukan ng Karunungan (Seat of Wisdom) – carries a Bible,Reyna de las Estrellas (Queen of the Stars),Rosa Mystica (Mystical Rose) and more. Also the Candidate of the Miss Santa Cruzan Pageant 2014 were participating in the procession.

Here are some Pictures

and more