The Celebration Of ALS DAY (Alternative Learning System)

The exited student and teachers, walk in the street of Dumaguete City, as proud persons, as they see the importance of knowledge. With the help of Alternative Learning System (ALS) and their enthusiastic teacher they are given the chance to finishing their studies. Make them believing into themselves, that it’s not too late to learn, to improve, and prove that they still can do it, is one of the main objectives of ALS Dumaguete.

It is not too late for those people, who want to learn and achieve something in their life! Just for dreaming, wanting and working hard to finish their studies is already a positive and great start.

Doing it and doing it right, with the help of the ALS-Faculty, their own will and the encouragement of their families and friends not to stop is a great achievement.

To all students and teachers and to those people behind this Alternative Learning System (ALS),  congratulations to all of you.

Some Pictures of the ALS Day 2013 in Dumaguete

ALS Day -Parade

ALS Day -Parade

ALS Day Program with DINS

ALS Day Program with DINS

Mr & Miss Negros Oriental High School 2013

Miss Negros Oriental High School 2013The Lamberto Macias Sports Complex was the appropriate stage for this years Mr. & Miss NOHS 2013 beauty pageant. Thousands of students and guests were witnessing when the winner of this year will be crowned. Like always, the pageant started perfectly in time … in Filipino time.

While we didn’t take note of the host name, he was (unlike many hosts we experienced before pretty impressive and guided through the program without any unnecessary words, wasting no time to leave the stage to those, who came to compete in the contest.

A nervous tense atmosphere which could almost be cut with a knife was present. But all preparation and practice turned out to lead to a great outcome on stage.

The lights in the house finally went out and the show began. After the national anthem and a short prayer, he announced the rules and the show could start. The stage was set to introduce five lovely ladies and five young gentlemen to the cheering audience.

Already at the very beginning of the competition was clear, that it will be a very tight competition for the Minor Awards and the Major award of Mr. & Miss NOHS 2013. Of course the talent-round could not be missed, but we had a small camera problem, and therefore not much pictures taken. Same for the Q & A session. The Highlight of the Mr & Miss Negros Oriental 2013 contest was like at each event the presentation of the evening gowns.
Miss Negros Oriental High School 2013

All of the contestants and the audience were the big winner

Miss Santa Cruzan 2013 in Tabuc Tubig

2013 Miss Santa Cruzan  Tabuk tubig

2013 Miss Santa Cruzan Tabuk tubig

Parallel to the big Santa Cruzan celebration of Dumaguete City, the small Barangay of Tabuc Tubig had also its annual Fiesta, which has a long tradition. Along with the Fiesta, the Barangay holds a contest for the Miss Sta. Cruzan. We received an invitation and took some pictures of the competing loveys.

All Sta Cruzan 2013 contestants with the Baragay councilor of Tabuc Tubic





The event was successful, even it was only  a small barangay beauty pageant.