Miss Bayawan 2015

Miss Bayawan

The Miss Bayawan 2015 beauty pageant was held on the IBC grounds (Integrated Business Center). It was split into two events, the talent night and the coronation night. The Miss Bayawan Talent Night was held on February 15th in front of a patiently waiting crowd. The Coronation Night took place the following evening. When the talent night finally started, the eight candidates entered the stage in what the organizer called “play-dress”.
Miss Bayawan 2015 Talent Night

Miss Bayawan Talent Night

After -what appeared never ending- speeches, introductions and intermissions it was time for the Miss Bayawan 2015 candidates to show their talent. With all respect to the effort the candidates put into their performance, it appeared that they rather do something their handler want, but not something they are talented in. Our office goldfish shows more talent when playing piano than what we witnessed on the IBC stage. Maybe nowadays talents are limited to speed-texting and clicking “Like” on social networks, both not suitable for a big stage. Anyway, here some pictures:

An event like this can’t be held without many hand working together. Following some of them:

Miss Bayawan 2015 – Coronation Night

Miss Bayawan 2015 Coronation Night was clearly on a much higher level compared to the happenings just 24 hours earlier at the Talent Night. To get the audience at the packed IBC grounds into the right mood the eight candidates presented themselves in stunning Tawo-Tawo costumes.

Miss Bayawan 2015 Coronation Night

Miss Bayawan Swimsuit & Business attire

The business attire round as well as the candidates in swimsuits were next to be on stage.

Miss Bayawan

Miss Bayawan 2015 – Evening Gown

Not “50 Shades of Grey”, but any variation of blue was the color for the gowns the candidates presented themselves on the stage in front of an enthusiastic crowd. Make your own pick who would be your winner of the titla.

Miss Bayawan

Congratulations to Miss Bayawan 2015

Miss Bayawan 2015 - Justine Rose Cabanban

Miss Bayawan 2015 – Justine Rose Cabanban


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