Tawo Tawo Festival 2018

Bayawan City – Negros Oriental

Bayawan City - Tawo Tawo Festival 2018 - Negros Oriental

There are a few festivals on Negros Oriental one does not want to miss. One of them is in Bayawan City. The Tawo Tawo Festival 2018 was celebrated on February 16th, and of course we traveled to the lovely city to join and celebrate together with the Bayawanons. Over the last years we built some nice friendships in that region of the Island and always love to travel down the southwestern part of Negros.

Tawo Tawo Festival 2018 - Bayawan City - 02

Our good friend Eli (organizer of the Tawo Tawo Festival for many years) retired from his position and the duty of organizing lays now in the hand of the LGU of the City. They took great care of us and made sure we had a nice room and never missed a meal, even had it delivered to the hotel while we were out to cover some of the tourist spots while there was no activity going on. Thank you very much, we felt really very welcome in Bayawan City, especially to Mayor Pryde Henry Teves.

Tawo Tawo Festival 2018 Street Dancing

The Street Dancing of the Tawo Tawo Festival 2018 was scheduled for 2 pm in the afternoon in a combination with the civic parade, where the different government units also dance along the streets.

This years’ Festival saw some changes. It was not held as a competition where the seven participating contingents could win in different categories. We love the general idea of that. We always write in our reviews that the real winner is the audience.

However, with taking away the competitive factor, it appeared to us that some contingents showed a little bit less effort and creativity. The moves were a little less synchronized and the formation lines not as straight as they could be, or when the dance is for a win. Anyway, we guess one must be an expert, or visiting many many festivals in the last decade to recognize that.

Street Dancing Parade - Tawo Tawo Festival 2018

Tawo Tawo Festival 2018 Showdown

The Showdown was held close to Talipapa at the Bayawan Boulevard after 4:30 pm. With the speeches and opening ceremonies, it took a while until the contingents had their turn. By then the sun was already low down on the horizon, resulting in that the shining colors of the costumes and props could not come across as bright as they probably should. However, the dancers made up for that with their passionate performances.

Our trip to Bayawan and the Tawo Tawo Festival 2018 was again worth each second. We made new friends, experienced a great developing city and celebrated one of the best festivals of the Island of Negros.

Thank you Bayawan City – See you all at the Tawo Tawo Festival 2019

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