Miss Santa Cruzan 2013 in Tabuc Tubig

2013 Miss Santa Cruzan  Tabuk tubig

2013 Miss Santa Cruzan Tabuk tubig

Parallel to the big Santa Cruzan celebration of Dumaguete City, the small Barangay of Tabuc Tubig had also its annual Fiesta, which has a long tradition. Along with the Fiesta, the Barangay holds a contest for the Miss Sta. Cruzan. We received an invitation and took some pictures of the competing loveys.

All Sta Cruzan 2013 contestants with the Baragay councilor of Tabuc Tubic





The event was successful, even it was only  a small barangay beauty pageant.


Miss Dumaguete 2012

Miss Dumaguete 2012

Miss Dumaguete 2012

The Miss Dumaguete Beauty Pageant is without any doubts one of the highlights of each years Fiesta in Dumaguete. Like each year, the Macias Sports complex was filled with thousands of spectators, cheering for the candidates. But before it got there, they all had to go through some weeks of screening and endless presentations.

Before the lovely ladies entered the stage we were able to sneak backstage and take some snapshots during their preparation for the show.

Backstage at Miss Dumaguete 2012

The Miss Dumaguete 2012 beauty pageant started with the production number followed by casual- and beachwear.

Finally the ten stunning candidates got into beautiful gowns for the last round and the awarding of all minor and major awards.

Congratulations Miss Dumaguete 2012

Miss Dumaguete 2012



Motocross at Robinsons Place Dumaguete

Dumaguete is also dubbed as the unofficial “Motorcycle Capital of the Philippines“. It is therefore not surprising that the City has an active Motocross Scene. Several Motocross events are taking place in Dumaguete and Negros all around the year. Thousands of spectators along the racetrack cheering for their favorites and getting excited.

dumaguete motocross 2014

dumaguete motocross 2012

Each event has different categories, from Junior Motocross on their small bikes to semi-pros on their high-tech racing machines. The smell of gasoline, the noise, the tension which can be felt everywhere puts all what a motorsport event needs can be found at the Motocross Events in Dumaguete.

Pictures of Motocross in Dumaguete

There is no admission fee to the motocross racing events in Dumaguete and the best places are taken very fast. However, if one comes a little bit late, there is always a branch in a tree.


dumaguete-motocross 2012

dumaguete-motocross 2012

See you at the next Dumaguete Motocross Event.

Mr & Miss Buglasan 2012

Mr & Mrs Buglasan 2012

Last nights Mr & Mrs Buglasan 2012 competition, and what a colorful event it was. While the seats in the audience were filling up, we sneaked backstage to get some shots of the candidates.

When the candidates entered the stage, they were welcome with loud cheers from the audience. They all looked stunning and we could not decide who should win. But judge yourself who is your:

Mr & Miss Buglasan 2012

Buglasan 2012 – Civic Parade

The sun was smiling, when the Buglasan 2012 Civic Parade made its way through the hot, blistering streets of downtown Dumaguete. Check out some of our pictures of the colorful parade here:

Kabulakan Festival 2011

The Kabulakan Festival was first introduced in the year 2007, organized by the Tourism Council of the city and it is ineluctably attracting and inviting both for the local and foreign tourists. The  Kabulakan Festival 2011 was scheduled in the entire month of May, intended to promote the tourism trade in the city even more.

Kabulakan street dance 2011

Kabulakan Festival 2011 Parade

Kabulakan Festival steet dance parade

Enough reasons to look forward to the Kabulakan Festival 2012


Kabulakan street Dance Parade 2011


Sandurot Festival 2011

Once more the streets of Dumaguete where filled with joy, laughter and during the Sandurot Street Dance Competition 2011. The start was a little bit delayed, so the competitors ran out of daylight. Therefore we couldn’t not make any group pictures. Following just a view pictures of the Sandurot Festival 2011 in Dumaguete.

Sandurot Festival 2011

Buglasan 2011 – Sidlakan & Showdown

Like each year, the booths at Buglasan 2011 were stuffed with arts, culinary delights and especially people. However, we found some free spots to make some nice snapshots for you to enjoy. First…

In the Booths at Sidlakan Negros Village

Buglasan 2011 Showdown

Of course the Showdown of Buglasan 2011 was the highlight together with the streetdance competition. We just could make a few snapshots and hope you still enjoy them:

Thanks to all participants and organizers to present us this great show

Buglasan 2013 - King & Queen Competition

Buglasan 2011 – Street Dance Parade

Buglasan street parade dumaguete

Buglasan Festival 20111 Street Dance Parade

The Street Dance Parade of Buglasan 2011 was under a wonderful blue sky. This was great for the thousands of spectators of this years colorful parade, but very hard on the participants. Nevertheless, they try not to lose their smiles and performed their excellent dances multiple times while parading through the streets of Dumaguete City.

Pictures Buglasan 2011 – Streetdance ParadeBuglasan 2011 dumaguete Boulevard


Buglasan 2011 dumaguete sea port

NORSU Founders Day 2010

Negros Oriental State University is the biggest public university of Negros Oriental. 7 satellite campuses of NORSU coming together once a year to celebrate the Hugyawan Festival highlighting the Founders Day celebrations. One of the highlights of this Festival the NORSU Founders Day Parade. It is always a colorful spectacle which gets the admiration of thousands of Dumagetenos.

NORSU Parade 2010

2010 was no difference and the weather played along. Even it was very hot for the participants, they did an outstanding job and never lost their energy and smiles.

NORSU Parade 2010

We hope you enjoyed the pictures of the Negros Oriental State University Hugyawan Festival. Better mark your calendar for next year, so you can watch the NORSU Founders Day Parade yourself.