Tag Archive for: Sandurot fiestival

Sandurot 2013 Folkdance and Harana Competition

The Theme “Embracing The Global Culture, Enriching Local Tradition” was brought alive during the Sandurot 2013 Folkdance and Harana competition. It is important to keep Filipino traditions alive, specially nowadays where the young generation is more into Hip Hop and Facebook.

Folk Dance Bamboo Dumaguete Sandurot Fiestival

Folk Dance Bamboo Dumaguete Sandurot Fiestival

This great event showed the beauty and significance to keep in touch with ones own roots. We hope you enjoy our pictures.

A great competition, which should not be missed next time.

Sandurot Dance Sport Competition 2013

Due to heavy rain late afternoon, the Dance Sport Competition 2013 started with a delay of 90 minutes, a very wise decision of the organizers. The participants need for their steps a dry stage to make sure that nobody slips and ruins their performance, or even worse, getting injured. Five participating pairs were judged in Cha Cha, Chive and Rumba.

Sandurot Fiestival Dancesport-competition

Sandurot Fiestival Dancesport-competition

Pictures of the Dance Sport Competition 2013

(click on pictures to magnify)

As it is a competition, there need to be winners. However, for us all participants were winner. Nowadays Dance Sport is not necessarily in the focus of the young generation; therefore it was great to watch this event and the enthusiasm for dance sport of all five pairs.

Sandurot Dancesport-competition 2013

Sandurot Dancesport-competition 2013