Tag Archive for: Sandurot 2011

Sandurot Festival 2013 Fun Run

The Sandurot Festival 2013 started with the Fun Run  with City Government Officials, Employees and Tourism Stakeholders. While DumagueteInfo Net Service received a schedule where the start was announced at 5:00 am, Dumaguete Tourism Office, the organizer of the whole festival published a day before that the start will be at 6:30 am. So we went to the start at 6:25, just to see that the start was already done. Because of that false information provided, we were not able to take any pictures of the start. However, we still took some of the Finish-line and the runners, which stood up early to participate.

Sandurot 2013 opening Fun Run

Sandurot 2013 opening Fun Run

Enjoy the pictures of the Sandurot Festival 2013 Fun Run

All finishers which were not tired had the chance to participate in the Zumba & Healthy Dancing Session which took place just next to the finish-line of the Fun run

Zumba & Healthy Dancing Session Pictures

Sandurot Festival 2011

Once more the streets of Dumaguete where filled with joy, laughter and during the Sandurot Street Dance Competition 2011. The start was a little bit delayed, so the competitors ran out of daylight. Therefore we couldn’t not make any group pictures. Following just a view pictures of the Sandurot Festival 2011 in Dumaguete.

Sandurot Festival 2011