Miss Valencia 2014 – Coronation Night
The decision who will be Miss Valencia 2014 was felt during the coronation night at the municipality gym. The event was held in front of a enthusiastic crowd who saw a good show with professional moderation and entertaining intermission numbers. Following some backstage shots of some candidates, as well as VIPs, VUPs and many helping hands.
Finally the show started and the candidates presented themselves in stunning colorful costumes.
Now it was finally time for the section of the contest all real men were waiting for. It was time to get sexy and show some skin…
After a short intermission number it was time for the candidates to get into their evening gowns. Black was the color of the night, which made the Miss Valencia 2014 to a rather unique contest. IT was a tough decision for the judges pick the winner out of those lovely candidates.
Congratulations to Miss Valencia 2014