Tag Archive for: Calendar of events

Tawo Tawo Festival 2016 – Schedule

Bayawan City is getting ready to celebrate the Tawo Tawo Festival 2016. The whole February is filled with events with the highlights being of course the Street Dancing competition and the Showdown of the Tawo Tawo Festival 2016.

Buglasan 2015 – Schedule of Events

Buglasan Festival 2015 is celebrated from October16 -25 across the city of Dumaguete and surrounding areas for some sports events.This years celebration runs under the theme: “Building Friendship Worldwide, Opening Development Opportunities”.

Buglasan 2014 – Calendar of Events

Buglasan 2014

Finally the Calendar of Events for Buglasan 2014 was released and everybody can plan the events he/she wants to attend. The Festival of Festivals is celebrated form October 17 to 26, 2014.

For all who never have been to a Buglasan celebration because they are not that long, or only for a short holiday in Negros, be aware that the clocks ticking a little bit different when the Festival of Festivals is celebrated in Dumaguete City. If you want to celebrate with Negros Oriental and visit during Buglasan 2014, better hurry up, hotels and guest houses are almost fully booked already.

Calendar of Events Buglasan 2014

Theme: Community Development thru Tourism

Friday – October 17, 2014

05:00pm Buglasan Ecumenical Service at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

05:30pm Buglasan Opening Salvo Production at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

                                   Outstanding Oriental Negrense awards and Testimonial Dinner.

                                   Opening of LGU freedom Fair Booths at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

                                   Final Negros Oriental Tourism Jingle at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

08:00pm Miss Negros Oriental Tourism at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

11:00pm Fireworks display by DSS Fireworks at Capital grounds

11:00pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Saturday – October 18, 2014

01:00pm Assembly time for the Grand City –wide Parade

02:00pm Grand City Wide Civic- Military Parade with Marching Band Competition

05:00pm Opening SNV LGU Heritage Booths at the Sidlakan Negros Village

05:30 pm Duo Tenors Concert  Lead by Almar Pastidio at Capitol Forecourt

6:00 pm  Buglasan Festivaland Lead by AMBAK Production /PTU at Piapi Beach

07:00pm Minus One Singing Competition Senior Division at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

                 Duet Competition Senior Division at the Capitol Forecourt Stage

08:00pm Social Dancing Competition Senior Citizen at the Sidlakan Negros Village

09:00pm ABS CBN Kapamilya Caravan at the Freedom Park Stage

10:00pm Buglasan Festivaland at Piapi Beach

                 SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Buglasan 2014 Schedule of Events


Sunday – October 19, 2014

7:00 pm Sidlakan Dance Company Concert  at Freedom Park

08:00pm Rondalla Competition Junior Division at Freedom Park Stage

               Kumparsa Completion at the Freedom Park Stage

               Balak, Balitaw Competition at The freedom Park Stage

08:00pm Sinato Night at the Sidlakan Negros Village

11:00pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Monday – October 20, 2014

08:00pm Rap Competition at the Freedom Park Stage

                 Hip Hop/Pop Dance Competition at Freedom Park Stage

08:00pm Pasikat (MDC/ NORSU Saint Joseph Canlaon) at the Sidlakan Negros Village

11:00pm SMB Live Band at Freedom Park

Tuesday – October 21, 2014

02:00pm GMA Games at the Freedom Park

04:00pm GMA Kapuso Fiesta at the Freedom Park

08:00pm GMA “ Bet ng Bayan” Regional Finals Featuring Regine Velasquez & Alden Richards

08:00pm Pasikat (Asian College/Diaz Collage/SPUD at Sidlakang Negros Village

11:00pm SMB Live Band at The freedom Park

Wednesday – October 22, 2014

08:00pm Live Band Competition at the Freedom Park Stage

08:00pm Pasikat (Foundation University/Negros College Night/Villaflores) at the Sidlakan Negros Village

11:45pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Buglasan 2014 Calendar of Events

Thursday – October 23, 2014

08:00pm Folk Dance Competition “ Spanish Influenced Dances” at the Freedom Park

10:00pm Ballroom Competition at the Freedom park Stage

08:00pm COSCA/ La Consolacion College Bais/SU) at the Sidlakan Negros VillageS+

11:00pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Friday – October 24, 2014

08:00am Buglasan festival of Festival Showdown at the L. Maciaa Sport & Cultural Center

02:00pm Buglasan Festival of Festivals Street Dance at Dumaguete Street

05:00pm PALKwela Game Show at the Sidkang Negos Village

07:00pm Pasikat at the Sidlakang Negros Village

08:00pm Sidlakan Dance Company at the Sidlakang Negros Village

08:00pm Buglasan Festival King & Queen Pageant at the Freedom Park Stage

11:00pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Calendar of Events Buglasan 2014

Saturday – October 25, 2014

08:00am Lutong Garbo sa Sidlakang Negros at the provincial Agriculture Office. Conference Hall

08:00 am     Underwater Photo Contest

02:00pm       Dog Show lead by City Veterinarian at Sidlakang Negors Village

04:00pm Children’s Choir Competition at the Freedom Park Stage

05:00pm Bulilit Minus-One Competition at the Freedom Park Stage

06:00pm Bulilit Duet Competition at the Freedom Park Stage

                     Pasikat (AMA, Maritime, Maxino, STI,St.Francis Guihulngan) lead by Students Goverment at Sidlakang Negros Village

08:00pm Sadsad Sa Boulevard, Part 1 at the Rizal Boulevard

09:00pm Fireworks Competition Part 1 at the Rizal Boulevard

10:00pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Sunday – October 26, 2014

05:00pm Awarding & Thanksgiving Ceremonies at the Capitol Forecourt

07:00pm Cleanest & Greenest School Awards

                LGU Freedom Fair & SNV Heritage Booth Awards

                Sadsad Sa Boulevard Part 2 at the Rizal Boulevard

                Fireworks Competition Part 2 at the Rizal Boulevard

09:00pm SMB Live Band at the Freedom Park

Schedule of Events Buglasan 2014

To have the Festival of Festivals running smoothly are a lot of hands needed. We always want to honor the people behind the scene. Without them any festival anywhere in the world would not taking place. We want to say thank you to all helpers involved and like to share some pictures of the construction work going on at the capitol area while busy hands building the municipality booths

Buglasan 2014 – Preparation

Buglasan 2014 - Booth Construction

Buglasan 2014 – Booth Construction