Verify a Land Title in the Philippines

Verify a Land Title in the Philippines

Verifying your Land Titles is one of the most important thing before buying any land property or double checking for less hassle in the near future. One could either loose the property if not settled and verified well. Here are some key points to remember in verifying a Land Title and where to go when verifying:

Things to Remember:

  1. It is important to double check the stated land area

    There people who can do a land surveys to ensure that the stated land area on the Land Title is the same with the actual land area. This is important to verify in order to know if the land investment was truthful and worthwhile.

  1. Previews Ownership Review

    It would be wise to review the history of the Land Ownership. To verify if the name matched the previews owner in different documents such as Survey Plans and Tax Declaration.

  1. Verify the Area Location of the Land

    One would should be wise enough to re-check whether the stated location of the land property matches with what is written in the Land Title. It would be a little hard to deal with having a land property here, but a property named somewhere over there.

Where to go and Verify?

Here are some lists of places where one can verify in specific problems or simple complications:

  1. Municipal or City Treasurer’s and Assessor’s Office

    When dealing with the accuracy of property descriptions, certified copies, BIR clearance or DAR clearance and other clearances, and maps

  1. Housing and Land Regulatory Board (HLURB)

    HLURB is where you can deal with all the matters involving subdivisions and condominium developments (from selling, to permits and approvals to each and everything)

  1. Registry of Deeds (ROD)

    A personal visit can be made at the Registry of Deeds when one wants to verify regarding general complication about the Land Title. (from untitled properties to titled real properties)

  1. Land Registration Authority (LRA)

    LRA is the place to go when one wants to back-trace the history of the Land Title. This is another general government office one can sort out different complications regarding the Land Title.

  2. DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources), NHA (National Housing Authority), BCDA (Bases Conversion and Development Authority)
    • These offices are very helpful when one verifier wants to know the issuance of grants or appreciations to the qualified beneficiaries.
    • More specifically DENR can be held responsible for the approval or disapproval of the application of public land patents
    • NHA on the other hand is held responsible for housing programs dominantly to some percentage of the urban population
    • When dealing with some military based areas, the BCDA is in charge of turning these army grounds as a useful and civilized are to live in.

It will not be easy since dealing with government offices takes a little while. However, with a little patience one could sense the enjoyment he or she will have after the process. is a private run website, sharing information we gathered from the offices.
We are NOT any of these offices!
For further related question, please get in touch with them!
(Link to contact above)

1 reply
  1. Iva
    Iva says:

    Hello to all,

    Somebody help us to find the name of P.Quinquilleria or (Pedro Quinquilleria) in bureau of land in dumaguete city. If someone have a big heart out there can you please help us to find the lot number in the name of P. Quinquilleria in Dumaguete City. The heirs was hardly finding it out since the documents was burnt out already. Anyway, thank you. I dont know if this is allowed here and if not just ignore it. Thanks


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